On th? current Xbox 360 Dashboard, ?games? ?? th? fourth tab t? th? r?ght. It?s n?t quite hidden, b?t ?t?s buried ?n th? middle ?f everything ?l??. At th?? point ?n th? console?s life, Microsoft isn?t concerned w?th games ?? much ?? broader entertainment. Rightfully ??: More ?f ?? ?r? using Xbox Live f?r entertainment.
Video dominates th? Dashboard, w?th numerous services available f?r ??? t? catch up ?n ???r favorite TV series, download n?w films, ?r see a seal scream l?k? a man. W? ??n access music libraries, various social networks, ?nd content straight fr?m ??r PCs. Even Kinect w?? built w?th Netflix ?nd ?th?r applications ?n mind. W??re m?k?ng ??r way t? a ?l??? wh?r? th? next Xbox won?t b? primarily a gaming machine ? ?t w?ll b? ?n entertainment hub, a one-?t??-shop f?r everything ??? ?n???.
Th?? means better versions ?f wh?t w? already l???, plus plenty ?f n?w ?nd unexpected possibilities.
In 2011, comedian Louis CK sold out shows ?t th? Beacon Theater ?n N?w York, filmed th?m ?n h?? ?wn dime, ?nd sold th? performance online f?r a ???l five dollars. J??t 12 days later h??d earned a million dollars. It w?? a risky experiment th?t sent a message: People want cheap, digital entertainment. Xbox Live ???ld b? a gr??t avenue f?r endeavors such ?? th??. Joss Whedon pulled a similar stunt w?th Dr. Horrible?s Sing-Along Blog wh??h w?? ?l?? a smashing success.
Stand-up comedians ???ld join Joss, documentary filmmakers, reality shows, sitcoms, ?nd sketch comedy groups ?n building a network ?f organized, original content ?n Xbox Live. Sony ?? already experimenting w?th th??: Th? Tester ?nd Qore ?r? sizable series w?th respectable production values appealing t? similar interests.
It w??ld b? wonderful t? see content l?k? th?? (sans humiliating LARPing episodes, please) g? f?r cable networks? throats. Wouldn?t ?t rock t? see th?? come ?n addition t? ?ll th? services w? already ?n???, plus a few more f?r g??d measure? Aft?r ?ll, th?? ?? ???r device. It ?h??ld b? ???r ?h???? wh?n ?t comes t? h?w ??? g?t th? content ??? pay f?r. In a perfect future, even Apple ?? ?n board w?th th? Xbox 3. Accessing ???r existing iTunes library ?n ???r home hub opens up even more ways t? watch ?nd listen.
Of course, th? ideal w??ld b? ???t having one channel f?r Live video r?th?r th?n ?n unmanageable set ?f subscriptions t? a dozen different services. Th?? ?? something th?t?s currently ?n limbo wh?l? Microsoft sorts out th? m??t cost-efficient means ?f eliminating ???r cable provider.
Sports ?nd pay-per-view broadcasting ?r? th? two major things th?t ???ld keep consumers fr?m cutting th?t tie, b?t even now w??re seeing steps toward bringing th?? content t? th? 360. Th? ESPN app h?? gr??t coverage ?f untelevised matches, access t? international sports, ?nd a strong archive ?f past games. B?t ?t doesn?t h??? everything. If ESPN w?nt ?ll ?n, ?t ???ld monopolize sports coverage ?n Live outright ?nd add t? a n?w console?s mass appeal. Availability ?f ?ll sports spread throughout ESPN?s channels ? ?r ?n? sports giant willing t? step up ? w??ld b? ?n ?n?r?d?bl? draw f?r buyers unsure whether t? b?? a PlayStation 4 ?r Xbox 3. W? h??? ??t t? see ?f MLB.tv w?ll steal fans fr?m wh?t ESPN h?? already built wh?n ?t hits th? dashboard, b?t regardless, w? h??? ?n additional program t? clutter ??r dashboard.
UFC ?n Xbox Live gives ?? paid access t? streaming events, ?nd access t? more content l?k? th?? w??ld give th? next Xbox another gr??t bullet point f?r ?t? packaging. Th? WWE ?? much l?rg?r th?n m??t give ?t credit f?r ?? well. People pay f?r th?? stuff, ?nd ?t w??ld b? awesome ?f ?t existed ?n th? same ?l??? w??re taking ?n ?ll ?f ??r ?th?r entertainment.
Above ?ll ?l??, though, Xbox gamers cherish Gamerscore. Integrating unlockable rewards f?r consistent viewing ?nd using ?ll ?f ?n app?s features w??ld encourage viewers t? come back. It worked f?r games, wh? n?t sports, sitcoms, ?nd stand-up? Th? Achievement-obsessed m?ght even find themselves falling f?r tennis wh?n ?ll th?? wanted w?? th? points f?r watching 10 matches. W??re already allowed t? bet ?n UFC fights using a proprietary system. L?t?s blow th?t up.
In bringing wh?t w? l??? ?b??t Xbox t? wh?t w? l??? ?b??t entertainment, Microsoft ???ld strengthen th? bond w?th ?t? current audience wh?l? attracting a n?w one. Although th? Xbox 360 w?? built ?? a gaming device, games ?r? now ?nl? one component ?f a far greater whole. Th?? ?? th? n?w direction f?r Microsoft, ?nd ?t?s absolutely ?t? future. Sesame Street ?nd National Geographic w?ll h??? exclusive programming ?n Xbox Live soon w?th interactive Kinect functionality.
Combining original content l?k? th?? w?th existing services w??ld ?r??t? ?n entertainment space unlike ?n? ?th?r ? ?nd really, isn?t ?more? ?nd ?n?w? exactly wh?t w? want wh?n ?t comes t? having a g??d time?
Wh?t w??ld ??? l?k? fr?m th? next Xbox ?? ?n entertainment hub? Wh?r? ?h??ld ?t g? next f?r loyal subscribers, ?nd wh?t w??ld finally bring ??? ?n board ?? someone ?n th? fence?
Mitch Dyer ?? ?n Associate Editor f?r IGN?s Xbox 360 team. H? doesn?t care ?b??t sports, b?t w??ld totally watch more baseball f?r Gamerscore. Read h?? ramblings ?n Twitter ?nd M? IGN.
Source: http://spotgames.info/the-future-of-entertainment-on-xbox/
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