Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Scientists intrigued by atoms from beyond the solar system

NASA's IBEX spacecraft has snagged atoms that came from outside our solar system. Interstellar space includes the raw material that becomes new stars, planets, and organic life.?

A NASA satellite orbiting Earth has captured "aliens" from interstellar space ? but with names like hydrogen, helium, oxygen, and neon, these are outsiders are actually quite welcome.

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By snagging these different elements at the same time, NASA?s Interstellar Boundary Explorer (IBEX) is for the first time allowing astronomers to compare how elements are distributed in interstellar space versus within our own solar system.

The composition of interstellar space is of particular interest to scientists because stars seed it with a range of elements ? including nitrogen, oxygen, iron ? when they end their lives. Once part of the interstellar medium, these elements become the raw material available for recycling into new stars, as well as planets, plants, and animals.

The new data are already helping scientists gain a fuller understanding of the corner of the Milky Way in which our solar system currently finds itself.

IBEX is designed to study the boundary between interstellar space and the heliosphere ? the region of space influenced by the charged particles of the solar wind and the sun's magnetic field. Cosmic radiation, which consists of charged particles, is mostly deflected by the heliosphere. But neutral atoms, which carry no electrical charge, can penetrate the sun?s protective shield. Tuesday?s IBEX report focuses on these neutral atoms.

IBEX's sampling of neutral atoms has revealed intriguing differences in composition between the material in the solar system and in the interstellar cloud the solar system is passing through. IBEX found that for every 20 neon atoms reaching its detectors from the interstellar medium, it also was detecting 74 oxygen atoms. The solar system is richer in oxygen, with 111 oxygen atoms for each 20 neon atoms.

That points to two possibilities, says David McComas, a researcher at the Southwest Research Institute in San Antonio, and the mission's lead scientist. Either the sun formed in a different part of the interstellar cloud it now occupies, where oxygen was more plentiful, or the missing oxygen is cradled in dust and ice in the cloud.

If the differences are intriguing now, wait another 100 to 3,000 years or so. That's when the solar system is expected to exit the cloud it's now crossing into far different surroundings, the IBEX researchers say.

In its current surroundings, the solar system is encountering a weaker interstellar headwind than previous estimates suggested, the IBEX team reports. Measurements from the European Space Agency's now-defunct Ulysses solar observatory indicated that helium was entering the solar system at 59,000 miles an hour. IBEX's more-precise measurements put the speed at 52,000 miles an hour.

This reduction in speed means that the heliosphere sports a different shape than previously estimated, notes Dr. McComas. Currently, that is most important to modelers trying to map the various forces at play in the solar system.

?Frankly, all the modelers now have to go back and try to get their models to work with a very different balance? between the pressure the heliosphere is encountering from the headwind and the interplay between the heliosphere's magnetic field and the galactic magnetic field, he says. Both affect the shape of the heliosphere.

Understanding the shape of the heliosphere could be more broadly important if the solar system heads into quarters of the galaxy with much greater headwinds. In principle, those headwinds could push the leading edge of the heliosphere closer to the sun ? to the point that some planets could spend part of their orbit outside the sun?s protective envelope. ?

The IBEX results appear in a special February supplement to the Astrophysical Journal.

Source: http://rss.csmonitor.com/~r/feeds/science/~3/Bh6nCFNgkK0/Scientists-intrigued-by-atoms-from-beyond-the-solar-system

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GetHired Nabs $1.75 Million To Launch Its Video-Centric Recruiting Platform & Job Board

Screen shot 2012-01-30 at 12.34.14 AMPaper resumes are -- or should be -- going out of style. They rarely give employers a complete profile of a potential hire, they're filled with abbreviated bunches of value-less buzzwords (or in my case, action verbs), and the thought of them makes trees cry. You don't want to make trees cry, do you? No, you don't. So many companies are turning to alternative, technological means to find the right candidates for job openings, some using algorithms, ranking systems, SaaS solutions like Taleo's, and more. In fact, one in six are now finding jobs on social networks.

Source: http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/Techcrunch/~3/HXbc_XFFXWw/

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Monday, January 30, 2012

Will Listening to Mozart Really Make You Smarter? [Science]

Yes, but no more than listening to Justin Bieber. The misconception that there's something unique about Mozart's ability to increase brainpower began in 1993, with a paper in Nature. Neurobiologists Gordon Shaw, Frances Rauscher and Katherine Ky of the University of California at Irvine found that students who listened to 10 minutes of a Mozart sonata demonstrated a temporary increase in spatial-temporal reasoning, as measured by an IQ test. The public seized on the romantic idea that listening to Mozart would make them smarter, and Don Campbell, a teacher and music educator from Texas, capitalized on the notion with an international bestseller, The Mozart Effect. More »

Source: http://feeds.gawker.com/~r/gizmodo/full/~3/wBG9DZOF-js/will-listening-to-mozart-really-make-you-smarter

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Suspect shown by Mexico cops says he beat Canadian (AP)

CULIACAN, Mexico ? A man charged with brutally beating a Canadian tourist at a luxury beach hotel told reporters Saturday that he tried to hold the woman in an elevator and punched her several times in the face when she cried for help.

Police presented Jose Ramon Acosta Quintero, 28, to local and foreign journalists in the Pacific port city of Mazatlan, where the attack on Sheila Nabb of Calgary, Alberta, occurred in the early hours of Jan. 20.

He was arrested Friday and charged with attempted murder. Prosecutors have said investigators were led to Acosta by a hotel security video that showed him leaving the elevator where Nabb was attacked.

Sinaloa State Prosecutor Marco Antonio Higuera Gomez said Saturday that Acosta was drinking in local bars and had taken cocaine with a Canadian friend when they decided to go to one of the large tourist hotels where bars operate 24 hours. He said Acosta frequents those hotels and sometimes goes by the name "Ray."

Flanked by police, Acosta spoke in fluent English as he answered a few questions from foreign reporters. He said he entered the hotel from the back beach doorway and was taking an elevator up to the roof when the doors opened and Nabb got in. They talked and then he put his hand on the door, he said, to prevent her from leaving so they could keep talking.

"She got afraid when I didn't let her out and she started yelling, 'He won't let me out,'" Acosta said. "I got afraid also, because she's a North American and I'm Mexican and I wasn't supposed to be in the hotel."

He said he covered her mouth as she continued to yell for help.

"Then I hit her four or five times in the face with my fist and then I left," said Acosta, who swallowed nervously as he talked.

Nabb's husband was in their hotel room at the time of the attack and she was found lying in the elevator and bleeding heavily.

She was flown to Canada, and Canadian media have reported that she remains hospitalized with major injuries to her face and jaw.

"Yeah, I did it. I did, but it wasn't planned or anything like that," Acosta said in a soft voice. "I didn't try to abuse her, or I didn't try to kill her or anything or rob her."

Acosta said police had shown him a security camera video of him leaving the elevator, but he denied it showed him kicking Nabb. He said that possibly he was using his foot to move her hand out of the door so it would close.

Higuera has said Acosta had Nabb's blood on his shoes when he was arrested.

"I'm sorry and I hope that she recovers," Acosta said before being led away by police. "I've seen the papers. Her face was bad."

Source: http://us.rd.yahoo.com/dailynews/rss/mexico/*http%3A//news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20120129/ap_on_re_la_am_ca/lt_mexico_canadian_attacked

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Sunday, January 29, 2012

#TwitterBlackout: Protests brew as complaints over censorship come to a boil

Twitter on Thursday announced it would invoke the ability to censor some tweets on a country-by-country basis. Cue the global backlash.?

Twitter yesterday announced that it would invoke the right to censor messages on a country-by-country basis. In a blog post, Twitter reps said the move was necessary to abide by the laws of?"countries that have different ideas about the contours of freedom of expression." In the past, Twitter was forced to strike clean objectionable tweets on a "global" scale ? the offending message, in other words, would disappear across the board.?

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With the new technology, Twitter can preserve content in some countries, while preventing it from being seen in others.?"We have also built in a way to communicate transparently to users when content is withheld, and why," Twitter reps wrote. "We haven?t yet used this ability, but if and when we are required to withhold a Tweet in a specific country, we will attempt to let the user know, and we will clearly mark when the content has been withheld."

Perhaps inevitably, the announcement has been met with tremendous push-back from certain corners of the Web, where thousands of Twitter users have banded together to rage against the new policy. For most of the day, #TwitterBlackout has dipped on and off the trending topics list on Twitter ? a reference to a grassroots protest planned for Saturday, January 28.?

Up in arms over Twitter censorship? Join the blackout, and stay away from Twitter for 24 hours.?

Of course, as some users have noted, 24 hours may not be enough to get the message across. "Why boycott it just for 1 day If you really think it's wrong?" one hardliner asked, in a tweet captured by the Guardian. "[T]alk about a week or a month & I shall take you seriously." Another added, coyly: "Surprised there's not more outrage about?#twittercensorship?? although maybe there is and the tweets are being blocked."

So are the new Twitter policies actually that objectionable? Well, yes and no, Jillian C. York notes in an admirably clearheaded assessment over at the Electronic Frontier Foundation.

"Let?s be clear:?This?is?censorship," York writes. "There?s no way around that. But alas,?Twitter is not above the law. Just about every company hosting user-generated content has, at one point or another, gotten an order or government request to take down content. Google lays out its orders in its?Transparency Report. Other companies are less forthright. In any case, Twitter has two options in the event of a request: Fail to comply, and risk being blocked by the government in question, or comply (read: censor).? And if they have 'boots on the ground,' so to speak, in the country in question? No choice."?

For more tech news, follow us on?Twitter @venturenaut. And don?t forget to sign up for the weekly?BizTech newsletter.

Source: http://rss.csmonitor.com/~r/feeds/csm/~3/NInlfoA532A/TwitterBlackout-Protests-brew-as-complaints-over-censorship-come-to-a-boil

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Astrophile: Picture yourself on a sandboard on Titan

Object type: Sand dune
Location: Saturn's moon Titan

Standing atop a huge mound of black, hydrocarbon sand, your sandboard tucked under your arm, you take in the view. Row after row of black dunes march into the distance as far as the eye can see, until everything disappears behind an orange curtain of smog.

This is no Earthly vista: you're on Saturn's largest moon, Titan. You strap your feet onto the board and slip off down the dune. Titan's low gravity means it takes a while to build up speed, but also keeps friction to a minimum, so it's a long glide down before you come to a halt.

Sandboarding on Titan still, sadly, only happens in our imagination, but the moon's amazing dunes are real ? and lie in a trippy landscape worthy of a late Beatles song. They were discovered in 2006 in radar images from NASA's Cassini spacecraft (see photo) and could be key to unravelling the climatic history of this eerily Earth-like moon.

Though chilling at -179??C, Titan has rain and lakes ? albeit of liquid methane rather than water ? along with mountains and river channels.

"Methane raining out and flowing across the surface leads to landscapes that are so much like Earth," says Jani Radebaugh, a planetary scientist at Brigham Young University in Provo, Utah.

Plastic sand

Perhaps more like Earth than anywhere else in the solar system, in fact. Comparing and contrasting the two worlds could lead to a better understanding of climate and surface features on both, she says.

What makes the similarities so astonishing is the completely different materials of which Titan and Earth are made. Titan's crust and mountains are made of water ice. The sand grains comprising its dunes are thought to be hydrocarbons like benzene, which has been detected in the dunes by the Cassini spacecraft.

On Earth, hydrocarbons tend to exist as liquids or gases in oil deposits. On Titan, though, many are frozen solid. They are thought to form when ultraviolet light drives chemical reactions in Titan's atmosphere, and then to rain down onto the surface.

"The dunes may have a composition that's a little like plastic," says Radebaugh. To visualise standing on a dune on Titan, imagine "standing on huge volumes of plastic sand", she says.

Seasonal sculptures

Despite their unusual composition, Titan's dunes ? typically 100 metres tall, a kilometre wide, and up to hundreds of kilometres long ? are very similar in shape and size to long, skinny dunes in the Sahara desert called linear dunes.

As on Earth, Titan's dunes can tell us about climate. Last year, simulations of the dunes suggested the winds on Titan change seasonally, reversing direction and getting much faster twice a year. This solved a mystery of why Titan's dunes look as though they have been sculpted by winds blowing from west to east, even though the moon's winds were thought to blow in the opposite direction.

Now Alice Le Gall of the Space Atmospheres, Environments and Observations Laboratory (LATMOS-UVSQ) in Paris, France and colleagues have discovered more tantalising climate clues from measurements of the dunes.

They lie in a band 30 degrees both north and south of Titan's equator. Le Gall's team have shown that the dunes get smaller and more widely spaced towards the northern end of this range.

Egg-shaped orbit

The team conclude that this happens because the ground gets wetter with liquid methane towards the north, making the sand stick together and less prone to forming dunes.

This latitudinal variation in weather is likely to be due to Saturn's egg-shaped orbit, the team conclude, which produces more intense, drier summers in Titan's southern hemisphere compared with the north.

The discovery of dunes on Titan was a stroke of luck, says Radebaugh, who worked with Le Gall's team on the latest analysis. "We had no idea that these things would be there," she says. "We were surprised to find such a close analogue to Earth in something so far away."

And if there were only some way to hop over to Titan, she would love to try sandboarding there. "I think it would be possible and probably would be really fun," she says.

Journal reference: Icarus, DOI: 10.1016/j.icarus.2011.10.024

Read previous Astrophile columns: How to spot a dark-matter galaxy , Glimpse elusive matter in shattering star, Cool echoes from galaxy's biggest star, Stopped clocks deepen pulsar enigmas, Wounded galaxy is crux of cosmic whodunnit, Did comet killing spark Christmas light show?, Blinged-out stars were born rich, Supercritical water world does somersaults, Attack of the mystery green blobs, Undead stars rise again as supernovae, The sticky star cluster that's mostly black hole, The rebel star that broke the medieval sky, Star exploded? Just another day in Arp 220.

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Saturday, January 28, 2012

Sports bar owner killed

The owner of a popular East Palo Alto sports bar was shot to death late Wednesday.

John Farmer, 56, was shot once in the chest and died at the scene, said police Lt. Tom Alipio. Farmer owned the Doctor's Sports Bar & Grill, 2240 University Ave.

Authorities have not made any arrests, Alipio said. Detectives spent much of Thursday at the restaurant, which was shut down temporarily, investigating the crime scene. The shooting was the fifth homicide of the year in East Palo Alto. Last year, 14 people were killed in the city.

Authorities are also trying to figure out what happened in a different shooting late Wednesday. Just after 11, two 17-year-old East Palo Alto residents were found hurt in a car at Newbridge Street and Willow Road in nearby Menlo Park.

They told officers they were stopped at a red light when someone in another vehicle opened fire on them, then sped away, Alipio said.

The victims told officers they were on their way to Stanford University Hospital to get treatment but had a flat tire. They could not describe the vehicle, authorities said.

It is unclear whether the two shootings are related, Alipio said.

Anyone with information on either incident may call the police department at (650) 853-3131.

Contact Joshua Molina at jmolina@mercurynews.com or (650)688-7581.

Source: http://www.siliconvalley.com/ci_4886612?source=rss_viewed

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UK judge: Social network sites differ from press (AP)

LONDON ? The British judge presiding over a wide-ranging inquiry into media ethics and practices has suggested that social networking sites such as Facebook and Twitter should be seen differently than traditional publishers.

Lord Justice Brian Leveson said Thursday that there was a distinction between what he described as "pub chatter" between friends on such sites and organizations which publish material for public consumption.

Leveson's inquiry was set up in the wake of Britain's phone hacking scandal and has the power to recommend far-reaching changes to the way the country's media are regulated.

The judge also is considering whether nontraditional forms of media, such as blogs, should be submitted to any eventual new rules.




Source: http://us.rd.yahoo.com/dailynews/rss/europe/*http%3A//news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20120126/ap_on_hi_te/eu_britain_media

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Friday, January 27, 2012

Fresh iPhone Apps for Jan. 26: Paper Monsters, Ant Raid, One Epic Game (Appolicious)

This week?s big crop of games has seen quite a few quality entries. Paper Monsters leads the group, bringing a 2-D platforming experience with great 3-D graphics. Ant Raid successfully makes the strategy genre easy, casual and hard to put down, and One Epic Game adds lots of power-ups and goodies to the endless runner genre.

Platformer Paper Monsters has a lot in common with the PlayStation 3 game LittleBigPlanet, including a similar art style and protagonist. You play a hero made up of cardboard, running through a 2-D platforming world and searching for hidden objects to collect in each one. The more exploring you do, the better you?ll be able to discover the things you need to buy new stuff for your hero, as well as pull down the best scores in each stage.

Paper Monsters? best feature is its smart level design. You?ll find warp tunnels that rocket you into caves or the clouds, or take you into areas visible in the distant background. The game includes 16 big levels across four worlds, and includes Game Center support as well as Airplay mirroring, allowing you to play the game on your other iOS devices.

Ant Raid (iPhone, iPad) $0.99

As bees, snails and other critters attack various ant royalty strongholds, the only hope of the tiny insects and their queen lies with the battlefield abilities of one commander: you. In Ant Raid, you command a battalion of ants, tapping their groups and assigning them to attack enemies on the screen to destroy them. Ant Raid is partially an action game and partially a strategy title, scratching the itch for both and using simple, easy-to-pick-up touch controls to do it.

A former iPad-only offering that just made its way to the iPhone and iPod Touch, Ant Raid packs 100 levels spread across two game modes. There?s also a lengthy campaign (it stretches on for 60 levels) and a challenge mode, as well as Game Center support that?ll provide achievements and leaderboards to reward your command skills.

Endless runner One Epic Game will probably feel a bit familiar to you. It?s a lot like other entries in the genre, notably Monster Dash, although the game features levels with definitive ends that makes it a little different from its counterpart from Halfbrick. It also separates itself with its comic book art style and a number of power-ups that change the way the game handles, like lots of different guns and a short-term jetpack.

One Epic Game includes three game modes: a comic-like story mode, the pick-up-and-play freeplay mode, and a challenge mode that ups the difficulty of the game. It also includes five big worlds to run through and plenty of enemies to blast for big points.

Source: http://us.rd.yahoo.com/dailynews/rss/applecomputer/*http%3A//us.rd.yahoo.com/dailynews/external/appolicious_rss/rss_appolicious_tc/http___www_appolicious_com_articles10873_fresh_iphone_apps_for_jan_26_paper_monsters_ant_raid_one_epic_game/44312497/SIG=13kpq227k/*http%3A//www.appolicious.com/games/articles/10873-fresh-iphone-apps-for-jan-26-paper-monsters-ant-raid-one-epic-game

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Thursday, January 26, 2012

Japan kept silent on worst nuclear crisis scenario (AP)

TOKYO ? The Japanese government's worst-case scenario at the height of the nuclear crisis last year warned that tens of millions of people, including Tokyo residents, might need to leave their homes, according to a report obtained by The Associated Press. But fearing widespread panic, officials kept the report secret.

The recent emergence of the 15-page internal document may add to complaints in Japan that the government withheld too much information about the world's worst nuclear accident since Chernobyl.

It also casts doubt about whether the government was sufficiently prepared to cope with what could have been an evacuation of unprecedented scale.

The report was submitted to then-Prime Minister Naoto Kan and his top advisers on March 25, two weeks after the earthquake and tsunami devastated the Fukushima Dai-ichi nuclear power plant, causing three reactors to melt down and generating hydrogen explosions that blew away protective structures.

Workers ultimately were able to bring the reactors under control, but at the time, it was unclear whether emergency measures would succeed. Kan commissioned the report, compiled by the Japan Atomic Energy Commission, to examine what options the government had if those efforts failed.

Authorities evacuated 59,000 residents within 20 kilometers (12 miles) of the Fukushima plant, with thousands more were evacuated from other towns later. The report said there was a chance far larger evacuations could be needed.

The report looked at several ways the crisis could escalate ? explosions inside the reactors, complete meltdowns, and the structural failure of cooling pools used for spent nuclear fuel.

It said that each contingency was possible at the time it was written, and could force all workers to flee the vicinity, meaning the situation at the plant would unfold on its own, unmitigated.

Using matter-of-fact language, diagrams and charts, the report said that if meltdowns spiral out of control, radiation levels could soar.

In that case, it said evacuation orders should be issued for residents within and possibly beyond a 170-kilometer (105 mile) radius of the plant and "voluntary" evacuations should be offered for everyone living within 250 kilometers (155 miles) and even beyond that range.

That's an area that would have included Tokyo and its suburbs, with a population of 35 million people, and other major cities such as Sendai, with a million people, and Fukushima city with 290,000 people.

The report further warned that contaminated areas might not be safe for "several decades."

"We cannot rule out further developments that may lead to an unpredictable situation at Fukushima Dai-ichi nuclear plant, where there has been an accident, and this report outlines a summary of that unpredictable situation," says the document, written by Shunsuke Kondo, head of the commission, which oversees nuclear policy.

After Kan received the report, he and other Japanese officials publicly insisted that there was no need to prepare for wider-scale evacuations.

Rumors of the document grew this month after media reports outlined its findings and an outside panel was created to investigate possible coverups. Kyodo News agency described the contents of the document in detail on Saturday.

The government continues to refuse to make the document public. The AP obtained it Wednesday through a government source, who insisted on anonymity because the document was still categorized as internal.

Goshi Hosono, the Cabinet minister in charge of the nuclear crisis, implicitly acknowledged the document's existence earlier this month, but said the government had felt no need to make it public.

"It was a scenario based on hypothesis, and even in the event of such a development, we were told that residents would have enough time to evacuate," Hosono said.

"We were concerned about the possibility of causing excessive and unnecessary worry if we went ahead and made it public," he said. "That's why we decided not to disclose it."

A Japanese government nuclear policy official, Masato Nakamura, said Wednesday that he stood behind Hosono's decisions on the document.

"It was all his decisions," he said. "We do not disclose all administrative documents."

Japanese authorities and regulators have been repeatedly criticized for how they have handled information amid the unfolding nuclear crisis. Officials initially denied that the reactors had melted down, and have been accused of playing down the health risks of exposure to radiation.

In another example, a radiation warning system known as SPEEDI had identified high-risk areas where thousands of people were continuing to live while the reactors were in critical condition. Officials did not use that data to order evacuations; they have since said it was not accurate enough.

The outside panel investigating the government response to the nuclear crisis has been critical, calling for more transparency in relaying information to the public.

"Risk communication during the disaster cannot be said to have been proper at all," it said in its interim report last month.


Follow Mari Yamaguchi on Twitter at http://twitter.com/mariyamaguchi and Yuri Kageyama at http://twitter.com/yurikageyama

Source: http://us.rd.yahoo.com/dailynews/rss/asia/*http%3A//news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20120125/ap_on_re_as/as_japan_nuclear_worst_scenario

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Wednesday, January 25, 2012

State: 'Serious' questions on GOP pipeline bill (AP)

WASHINGTON ? A Republican bill that would strip President Barack Obama of his authority to decide on a Canada-to-Texas oil pipeline raises "serious" legal questions, the State Department said Wednesday in objecting to the bill.

Assistant Secretary of State Kerri-Ann Jones told Congress that the bill "imposes narrow time constraints and creates automatic mandates that prevent an informed decision" on the $7 billion Keystone XL pipeline.

The bill, sponsored by Rep. Lee Terry, R-Neb., would transfer authority over the 1,700-mile pipeline to the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission.

Obama blocked the $7 billion pipeline last week, saying officials did not have enough time to review an alternate route that avoided environmentally sensitive areas of Nebraska.

The plan by Calgary-based TransCanada Corp. would carry tar sands oil from western Canada across Montana, South Dakota, Nebraska, Kansas and Oklahoma en route to refineries on the Texas Gulf Coast.

Jones said Obama's Jan. 18 decision to reject the pipeline was not based on the merits of the project, but on the fact that officials did not have enough time to review the project before a deadline imposed by Congress.

"We fought in World War II in less time than it has taken to decide on this project," shot back Rep. Joe Barton, R-Texas. "In all due respect, it is an insult to the American people to say you need more time."

TransCanada first applied to build the pipeline in 2008, under the Bush administration.

Obama had delayed a decision on the pipeline in November, saying his administration needed time to review an alternate route that avoided environmentally sensitive areas of Nebraska ? a route that still has not been proposed. But in an unrelated tax deal he cut with congressional Republicans, Obama had been boxed into making a decision by Feb. 21.

The deal required that the project would go forward unless Obama declared by that date that it was not in the national interest. The president did just that last week.

Project supporters say U.S. rejection of the pipeline will not stop one from being built. Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper has said Canada is serious about building a pipeline to its West Coast, where oil could be shipped to China and other Asian markets.

TransCanada has said it will submit a new application once an alternative route for the pipeline is established. Company chief Russ Girling said a proposed route could be made public in a few weeks.

TransCanada says the pipeline could create as many as 20,000 jobs, a figure opponents say is inflated. A State Department report last summer said the pipeline would create up to 6,000 jobs during construction

The pipeline is a dicey proposition for Obama, who enjoyed strong support from both organized labor and environmentalists in his 2008 campaign for the White House.

Environmental advocates have made it clear that approval of the pipeline would dampen their enthusiasm for Obama in November. Some liberal donors even threatened to cut off funds to Obama's re-election campaign to protest the project, which opponents say would transport "dirty oil" that requires huge amounts of energy to extract and contributes to greenhouse gas emissions blamed for global warming.

By rejecting the pipeline, Obama also risks losing support from organized labor, a key part of the Democratic base, for thwarting thousands of jobs.


Matthew Daly can be followed on Twitter: (at)MatthewDalyWDC

Source: http://us.rd.yahoo.com/dailynews/rss/obama/*http%3A//news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20120125/ap_on_re_us/us_oil_pipeline

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Column: Balotelli not quite so funny anymore


AP Sports Columnist

Associated Press Sports

updated 10:44 a.m. ET Jan. 23, 2012

Suddenly, Mario Balotelli doesn't seem quite so amusing anymore.

One could fill pages, and many grateful newspaper hacks regularly do, with stories both real and surely imaginary about the insouciant playfulness of the striker whose goals are edging Manchester City ever closer to the English Premier League title.

A football millionaire with friends who let off fireworks in his bathroom, who has turned up for work wearing a woolly hat that looked like a chicken's comb and who was filmed struggling with the simple task of pulling on a vest is going to generate headlines and laughs.

This 21-year-old kid in a grown man's body excels at both.

Ho-ho, Mario. The question - "Why Always Me?" - that Balotelli had printed on his T-shirt when City thrashed Manchester United 6-1 in October must surely have been a joke, because his high jinks make the answer so obvious.

But there is nothing even remotely humorous about a player who stamps on an opponent's head. That would be an act of nastiness.

Only Balotelli can know if he is that, too. Because only he can be sure whether he deliberately or accidentally trampled Sunday on the right ear of Scott Parker, the Tottenham midfielder whose job of breaking up opposition attacks with his solid tackles puts him in harm's way and often leaves him face down in the grass.

The video replays looked bad but one can never be sure that they tell the whole story.

With City and Tottenham tied on two goals each and with just eight minutes left, Balotelli struck powerfully for goal. Parker bravely blocked the shot, the ball ricocheting off his thigh as he threw himself in the way of the City forward. In doing so, Parker also tripped, hit the deck and became entangled in Balotelli's feet, sending the Italian tumbling, too.

As Balotelli was falling, his right foot kicked downward and thudded, with the studs of his boot, onto Parker's head. Slow-motion replays clearly showed the sequence of events. It certainly looked vicious. But what the videos could not prove was whether there was intent from Balotelli.

City assistant manager David Platt said he had not seen the incident and so wasn't prepared to judge it.

"Different angles on TV can show different things," he said.

Which is true.

But professional footballers and their bosses have repeatedly shown that they cannot be relied upon for honesty in such situations. There's too much resting on football - money, pride, results, loyalty to club or country, even jobs - and win-at-any-cost deceit is too engrained in the modern game for those involved to confess on a regular basis when they or their players have sinned.

Thus, when Real Madrid defender Pepe issued a statement to say that his stamp last week on the hand of Barcelona forward Lionel Messi was "an involuntary act" we can only take his word for it, even if our eyes suggested something different.

Occasions when a coach acknowledges that a player was wrong and that a referee was right are sufficiently rare to be refreshing when they happen. That was the case on Saturday with Wolverhampton Wanderers manager Mick McCarthy.

"I don't have any complaints about the sending off," McCarthy said after Karl Henry was shown the red card for kicking backward into the Marc Albrighton's chest when the Aston Villa midfielder was on the turf. "I'm not excusing him at all because he's back-heeled him."

More often, coaches see only what they want to see. Tottenham manager Harry Redknapp was quick to condemn Balotelli, even though he, too, cannot have known whether his stamp on Parker was deliberate.

"It's not a nice thing to do, really, is it?" said Redknapp. "It's got no place in football."

Intentional or not, Balotelli was lucky. Referee Howard Webb had already shown him a yellow card for an earlier foul and could quite easily have decided that trampling on Parker was sufficiently dangerous and clumsy to warrant another. But Webb either did not see it or decided that Balotelli hadn't deliberately hurt Parker.

Balotelli, of course, then went on to score, a last-minute penalty he took with the unflappable cool of Clint Eastwood, winning the match for the City.

As is often the case when he scores, Balotelli didn't smile or celebrate, but instead simply stood rooted to the spot, arms out in the shape of a cross.

A mischievous and perhaps even lovable rascal enjoying the last laugh.


John Leicester is an international sports columnist for The Associated Press. Write to him at jleicester(at)ap.org or follow him at twitter.com/johnleicester

? 2012 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.


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Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Researchers quantify muscle soreness

ScienceDaily (Jan. 23, 2012) ? Quantifying how sore a person is after a long workout is a challenge for doctors and researchers, but scientists from Loma Linda and Asuza Pacific Universities think they may have figured it out. Their research article describing a new technique to measure muscle soreness will be published in the Journal of Visualized Experiments (JoVE).

Delayed onset muscle soreness (DOMS) or exercise-induced muscle damage (EIMD) is one of the most common sports injuries, but without a reliable method of quantifying muscle soreness, assessing treatments is difficult.

Traditionally, muscle soreness has been measured using the visual analogue scale (VAS). Participants mark their level of agreement to a statement along a continuous line. Rather than measuring soreness subjectively, the researchers used thermal imaging to detect subtle changes in the temperature of the skin above exercised muscles.

"The main advantage of this technique," said paper author Dr. Jerrold Petrofsky, "is that unlike visual scales, which are kind of a subjective measure of whether someone is sore or not, this technique gives you quantifiable, absolute data."

"There is no gold standard for measuring DOMS and other techniques, such as needle biopsies, are invasive and painful for patients," said JoVE Editor, Leiam Colbert. "The technique presented here allows for earlier diagnosis and quicker treatment of soreness."

The very visual technique was published recently in JoVE, the world's only peer reviewed, PubMed indexed science video journal.

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Source: http://feeds.sciencedaily.com/~r/sciencedaily/~3/7ugCuzyJbJY/120123175703.htm

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US into semifinals with 13-0 rout of Guatemala

Associated Press Sports

updated 9:42 p.m. ET Jan. 22, 2012

VANCOUVER, British Columbia (AP) - Abby Wambach scored twice in the first half to move into third on the career goals list for women's international soccer, and the United States beat Guatemala 13-0 on Sunday to clinch a berth in the semifinals of the CONCACAF qualifying tournament for the London Olympics.

A left-foot tap in the 12th minute and a header in the 14th gave Wambach 129 goals for the U.S. team, moving her past Germany's Birgit Prinz (128). She trails Mia Hamm (158) and Kristine Lilly (130).

The 31-year-old striker's exploits added some meaning to another suspense-free rout for the Americans, who have outscored their opponents 27-0 so far in Olympic qualifying.

Sydney Leroux, earning just her second cap, tied a U.S. record with five goals as Wambach's substitute in the second half.

? 2012 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.


Source: http://nbcsports.msnbc.com/id/46095190/ns/sports/

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Monday, January 23, 2012

Romney stance on Dream Act is magnified in Florida

(AP) ? Mitt Romney's promise to veto a measure that would create a path to citizenship for some illegal immigrants threatens to turn off some Hispanic voters, whose support could be critical in a general election match-up against President Barack Obama.

The issue is gaining prominence as the GOP front-runner heads toward the Jan. 31 primary in Florida, even though most of the state's Hispanics are Puerto Rican or Cuban-American and, thus, aren't affected by U.S. immigration law, nor view it as a priority. Still, it's a state where 13 percent of registered voters are Hispanic, where the nation's largest Spanish-language TV networks are based, and where the nation's third-largest number of illegal immigrants live ? intensifying the focus on Romney's position.

"Latino voters, like all voters in this country, are interested in America being an opportunity nation," Romney said Monday night during a debate in South Carolina, when asked if his promise to veto the so-called Dream Act was alienating voters. "In my view, as long as we communicate to the people of all backgrounds in this country that it can be better, and that America is a land of opportunity, we will get those votes."

Maybe not.

His veto promise ? first made in the days before the Iowa caucuses ? has hit a nerve with prominent Hispanics, and some Republicans worry that the position will turn off the growing number of Latino voters in swing-voting states, particularly in the west, who are now on the fence after backing Obama in 2008. These Republicans suggest that Romney was trying to curry favor with hardline Republican primary voters at the expense of Hispanics whose support he would need come the fall.

"If Romney's the nominee, he's going to have to come to the center and make some decisions about how to resolve that issue," said Republican Herman Echevarr?a, a Cuban-American who is the CEO of a Miami-based bilingual advertising agency and a longtime local political player. "He's trying to be a conservative candidate. And if you don't become a conservative candidate, you cannot be the candidate of the Republicans. But you cannot be elected president just as a conservative candidate."

Already, there are signs of backlash.

For Colombia native Ana Rodriguez, a Miami-based graphic designer who received political asylum and will become a U.S. citizen this year, Romney's comments are precisely what motivated her to vote ? against him. "Because of what I went through," Rodriguez said, "I want more people (elected) who are interested in supporting immigrants and want a more equal and fair system of immigration."

Florida Dream Act activists, who have been among the most visible in the nation, also are promising to keep the heat on Romney as his campaign comes to the state.

And last week, at El Tropical restaurant in Miami, Florida Rep. Mario Diaz-Balart, who has endorsed Romney, told a group of mostly Cuban-American GOP primary voters that the former Massachusetts governor was the only candidate who could fix the economy and protect U.S. security interests. Then, a young Colombian immigrant stepped forward and asked Diaz-Balart, who has championed immigrants' rights including the Dream Act, how the congressman could support Romney.

"You have been such a friend to us, I just don't understand," said Juan Rodriguez, a student at Florida International University who was among a half-dozen students who walked from Miami to Washington in the winter to raise awareness of the legislation.

The exchange was caught on tape by several Spanish-language media outlets that reach viewers around the world.

Romney has arguably the toughest immigration position of any of the Republican candidates. Newt Gingrich would give legal status to illegal immigrants who have deep roots in the U.S. and lived otherwise lawfully.

Conversely, Romney has been adamantly opposed to any type of amnesty for illegal immigrants since his first White House run in 2008. Previously, he called reasonable a bipartisan proposal to allow immigrants to seek green cards in exchange for certain penalties, though he says he never officially supported such legislation.

Last year, Romney objected to the Dream Act. But he went further in the days before the Iowa caucuses when asked if he would veto the measure.

"The answer is yes," Romney told voters then.

While he said he does not oppose creating a path for those who serve in the U.S. military to become permanent residents, he also said he doesn't believe such individuals should be able to adjust their status by attending school, nor should they receive in-state tuition.

Since narrowly winning the Iowa caucuses, Romney has been sending Hispanics mixed messages.

He's working to woo Hispanics and convince them he's sincere in fighting their causes, recently launching TV commercials in Florida featuring Cuban-Americans Diaz-Balart and fellow U.S. Rep. Ileana Ros-Lehtinen, as well as his son Craig speaking in Spanish.

But, in South Carolina, he's also been campaigning with Kansas Secretary of State Kris Kobach, the leading architect behind the tough Arizona-style immigration laws. Even many Latinos who support tougher immigration laws worry such measures will lead to racial profiling because they give broad leeway to law enforcement to stop anyone whom they suspect of being in the country illegally.

"This is all about his primary right now," said Benjamin Bishin, a University of California, Riverside political science professor who has long studied Cuban-American and other Latino political attitudes.

Jennifer Korn of the center-right group the Hispanic Leadership Network, which is co-hosting a GOP primary debate and Latino conference this month in Florida, said Romney took a risk in alienating Hispanic voters. But, she added, he's also made clear he wants to fix the broader immigration system.

"If he explains it correctly, he definitely has a chance to have the Hispanic community listen to what he has to say," she said.

He seemed to try to do just that during recent debates, saying: "I love legal immigration," but that "to protect our legal immigration system we have got to protect our borders and stop the flood of illegal immigration."

That appeared to be enough for Peter Gonzalez, a Cuban-American commercial attorney and fiscally conservative Democrat.

"It's nice to hear a guy who the media has said is taking a harsh turn to the right on immigration say they love legal immigration," he said.

Associated Press

Source: http://hosted2.ap.org/APDEFAULT/89ae8247abe8493fae24405546e9a1aa/Article_2012-01-21-Romney-Hispanics/id-9cdfc9b16b3a4284b76b86a2f72a1a4a

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Investing in beaten-down market sectors could be good bet in 2012 ...

Investors placing their bets for 2012 are faced with the classic dilemma. Stick with market sectors that performed best last year, or search for value in beaten-down names?

The question is especially tricky considering that 2011 was a turbulent ride of mixed economic news at home, worse news abroad and painful sell-offs that tested even seasoned traders. Investors? reaction was textbook ? dive into stock mutual funds stuffed with big, dividend-paying companies known for relative stability in good times and bad.

That meant top-performing funds focused on utilities, consumer staples and health care companies. On the other hand, mutual funds heavy on financial stocks were among the worst, sideswiped by Standard & Poor?s downgrade of the U.S. credit rating and continued financial turmoil in Europe.

With the U.S. economy showing more signs of strength, now might be a good time to move some money into depressed sectors.

But is that strategy a good policy for personal investing in 2012? Here?s a look at the sectors that analysts are watching:

Financials flop ? Mutual funds that focus on banks and brokerages are certainly trading at prices well below a year ago, but many analysts are not yet ready to jump in.

The S&P 500 financials were crushed in 2011, falling 18 percent amid Europe?s tumult and lingering trouble in the battered real estate industry. Not surprisingly, mutual funds that are heavy in financials got battered last year. Analysts say the banking industry remains under pressure, especially with no sign that the European debt crisis is ready to let up. There are a number of reasons to be concerned about the sector.

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?You?ve got other factors, like regulation, Dodd-Frank, that are crimping the way large banks do business,? said Jack Ablin, chief investment officer at Harris Private Bank in Chicago. He also pointed out that low interest rates hamper the sector.

Defensive moves ? With the state of the global economy in doubt, as it was for much of 2011, investors flocked to defensive stocks, companies that produce things people buy whether or not the economy is thriving. Utilities were the top-performing sector in the S&P 500. Consumer staples jumped 10.5 percent.

Many of the year?s top-performing funds focused on the utilities sector, including top-ranked ProFunds Utilities UltraSector, which returned nearly 26 percent. But some experts say defensive sectors such as utilities and consumer staples now are a little too expensive.

Health care stocks remain promising despite last year?s run-up, several analysts said. That?s because even after a 10 percent gain for the S&P health care stocks in 2011, the sector is still far below historic highs. And even with uncertainty in Washington about the future of health care, an aging population will increasingly need medical care.

Technology boost ? An anticipated jump in business spending may make technology ? a flat sector last year ? a good bet in 2012.

Since the financial crisis in 2008, corporations across the globe dialed back spending and instead sat on their cash. This might be exactly the time when companies begin to replace aging computers and other technology, especially with the U.S. economy looking a bit brighter. Tech stocks in the S&P 500 inched up just 1.3 percent overall in 2011.

Next Page ?

Source: http://www.sltrib.com/sltrib/money/53336362-79/investors-percent-sectors-care.html.csp

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Sunday, January 22, 2012

Ron Paul South Carolina Primary Results 2012

COLUMBIA, S.C. ? Brushing off his poor last place finish in the South Carolina primary Saturday, Republican Ron Paul promised supporters the momentum around his libertarian-leaning campaign would continue.

"This is the beginning of a long, hard job," the Texas congressman told fans gathered at a sports bar in Columbia, the state capital.

Paul vowed to battle on in states holding caucuses over the next several weeks, saying the fight now is to amass delegates rather than to notch splashy wins.

"We will be promoting the whole idea of getting more delegates, because that's the name of the game," Paul said.

But the weak fourth-place finish was still a blow to Paul, who came in a respectable second to former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney in New Hampshire last week and placed third in Iowa behind Romney and Rick Santorum, the former senator from Pennsylvania. And it raised anew the question of whether he was in the race to win or simply wanted his views to gain maximum influence within the party.

Paul's advisers had long since written off the contest in South Carolina, a socially conservative state with a large military population advisers knew would be skeptical of Paul's views. Paul opposes abortion rights but has not made it a centerpiece of his message. He's also called for deep cuts to military spending as a way to reduce the debt and balance the federal budget.

Nonetheless, Paul's team had hoped he would edge Santorum in the state. He did not.

Paul's performance in South Carolina underscored the limitations of his message with Republican voters, who share many of Paul's views on cutting taxes and spending but have yet to embrace his largely isolationist foreign policy positions. He came under fire in a debate this week from GOP rivals when he questioned the U.S. mission that killed Osama bin Laden.

Paul tried to cast his showing in positive terms Saturday, saying he was a constant in a race that had seen several sharp fluctuations among the other contenders.

"Ever notice how the other candidates go up and then down? I am proud of our efforts at steady growth," Paul told supporters. The group cheered, yelling "President Paul! President Paul!"

Paul was heading home to Texas from South Carolina for a day off before flying to Tampa, Fla., Monday for a nationally televised debate on NBC. Paul was also scheduled to appear in a CNN debate Thursday but was otherwise bypassing Florida, which holds its primary Jan. 31.

Advisers said Paul would probably head to Maine, whose caucuses begin Feb. 7, and then onto caucus states like Minnesota, Nevada and Colorado. His advisers have long promised to follow the model used by President Barack Obama's campaign in 2008, believing Paul's young, Internet-savvy army would turn out to caucus for him in large numbers.


Follow Beth Fouhy on Twitter at http://www.twitter.com/bfouhy

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Source: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2012/01/21/ron-paul-south-carolina-primary-results_n_1220948.html

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Saturday, January 21, 2012

Digital Healthcare Puts Control In Consumer Hands

60-Second Tech60-Second Tech | Technology

Digital healthcare apps, especially via smartphones, are offering users unprecedented control over their health behaviors. Larry Greenemeier reports.

More 60-Second Tech

For years, do-it-yourself health care meant looking up your symptoms on WebMD. But smart phones are extending our control, with apps that let people plan and track workouts, monitor important health indicators, and even locate nearby clinical trials. Apple's App Store alone offers thousands of mobile health apps.

Digital health-care tech isn't just for hipsters. It's also for those young merely at heart. The Aging Technology Alliance? formed a few years ago to help the elderly and their caregivers better take advantage of the latest health-care tools.

Carmakers are also getting into the act. At last week's International Consumer Electronics Show, Ford showed off a prototype in-car health-monitoring system. Ford's SYNC communications system will connect wirelessly to wearable Medtronic continuous glucose monitors. If the monitor senses a sugar level too high or low, it will inform the driver via SYNC's digitized voice.

Another idea is to connect drivers with allergies to Web sites like Pollen.com. So they can steer clear of areas with high pollen counts. Of course, the best thing drivers can do for their health is to watch the road.

?Larry Greenemeier

[The above text is a transcript of this podcast]??

Source: http://rss.sciam.com/click.phdo?i=a98059e90ba77abfc10c4a888cf5d3bb

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He's back


AP Sports Writer

Associated Press Sports

updated 7:26 p.m. ET Jan. 18, 2012

LONDON (AP) -Resisting the lure of Paris for the sake of his family, David Beckham pledged his future to America's Major League Soccer on Wednesday by signing a new two-year contract with the Los Angeles Galaxy.

The 36-year-old midfielder had been courted by leading clubs across Europe in the months before his initial five-year Galaxy deal ran out in December, with Paris Saint-Germain's wealthy Qatari owners offering the most lucrative deal.

But Beckham turned down around $12 million-a-year with the glamorous French capital club for a less lucrative base salary at the Galaxy, which was previously paying him at least $6.5 million-a-year.

For the former England captain, whose career at Manchester United and Real Madrid turned him into a celebrity icon who transcended sport, the deal wrapped up on Wednesday in Los Angeles could be the last of his playing career.

"This was an important decision for me," Beckham said in a statement. "I had many offers from clubs from around the world, however, I'm still passionate about playing in America and winning trophies with the Galaxy."

It took until November, though, to collect his first winners' medal in the United States, delivering the Galaxy's first MLS Cup since 2005. It followed Premier League, La Liga and Champions League triumphs during his career in Europe.

Beckham left Europe in 2007, making the surprise decision to join the Galaxy from Real Madrid.

"I've seen first hand how popular soccer is now in the States and I'm as committed as ever to growing the game here," Beckham said. "My family and I are incredibly happy and settled in America and we look forward to spending many more years here."

Beckham's England career has effectively ended after making 115 appearances - the most for an outfield player. But he is targeting a spot in Britain's Olympic football team later this year, with the games being hosted in his native London.

By staying at the Galaxy, Beckham can be confident of a regular starting place in Bruce Arena's team, which might not have been the case at PSG or one of the English Premier League clubs that was pursuing the hottest brand in global football.

The Galaxy, though, knows how close it came to losing the player who has brought an international spotlight on the after scoring 11 goals in 74 appearances.

"I am thrilled that David has chosen to rejoin the Galaxy, especially as he had numerous options where he could continue his career," Arena said. "I felt that he was one of the best players in all of MLS last season and we could not have achieved the success that we did without him. We look forward to trying to replicate that success this season with David once again in a Galaxy uniform."

It is a jersey that the Galaxy said is the best-selling in the MLS and "one of the best in the world. "And it will continue to have Beckham's name emblazoned across the back of replica kits in sports shops from the Americas to Australasia.

"There has been much speculation in the past four months on where David was going to play and we did not get caught up in this and remained focused on re-signing him," said Tim Leiweke, president of team owner Anschutz Entertainment Group. "David had many options and we are pleased he felt comfortable, not only with our organization but also with Los Angeles, and will remain an important part of our club, our AEG family and our city."

The talks with Leiweke intensified after Beckham turned down PSG's offer at the start of January, with Beckham represented by manager and business partner, Simon Fuller, the creator of reality TV hit "American Idol."

"When David and I discussed making the move from Real Madrid to the LA Galaxy back in 2007, our minds were firmly focused on the massive opportunity of helping to grow soccer in the United States," Fuller said. "We have made great progress over the past five years in raising the profile of soccer domestically and the MLS on a worldwide stage, and we are encouraged by all the results."

From having 12 teams in 2006, the MLS now boasts a league with 19 sides while nine new football specific grounds have been built during Beckham's first five years.

"Clearly this is an ongoing mission and this new deal confirms our commitment to continuing our journey and making sure the world's biggest sport, soccer, continues to grow in the world's most passionate sports loving nation, the USA," Fuller said.


Rob Harris can be reached at www.twitter.com/RobHarrisUK

? 2012 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.


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