Monday, January 9, 2012

Local Attorney Tells Charlie Langton Pot Should Be Legal ? CBS ...

DETROIT (CBS) ? Should marijuana be legalized in Michigan?

Local attorney Matt Abel says anyone over the age of 21 should be able to smoke it, even though federal law makes it illegal.

Abel is leading the charge to get it on the ballot before voters.He talked to Talk Radio 1270 morning show host Charlie Langton about it.

?Michigan was the first state to?end alcohol Prohibition and Michigan needs to take the lead in ending marijuana prohibition,? Abel said.

Abel said there should be no limit on how much marijuana a person would like to keep in their house if it were legalized.? He needs 322,000 signatures by July 9th to get it on the ballot.

Hear?more from Langton?s show:

- More here -

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