Friday, March 23, 2012

Monarch butterflies down again this year as decline continues

ScienceDaily (Mar. 21, 2012) ? Unlike their colorful wings, the future of Monarch butterflies may not be too bright and their numbers are expected to be alarmingly down again this year, says a Texas A&M University researcher.

Craig Wilson, a senior research associate in the Center for Mathematics and Science Education and a long-time butterfly enthusiast, says reports by the World Wildlife Fund, private donors and Mexico's Michoacan state show that Monarch numbers will be down almost 30 percent in 2012 as they make their annual trek from their breeding grounds in Mexico and move across Texas.

The figures show an alarming decades-long decline in their numbers, Wilson says, adding that it is best "that we take the long view rather than yearly cycles.

"The latest information shows that Monarchs will be down from 25 to 30 percent this year, and that has been part of a disturbing trend the last few years," Wilson notes.

"Last year's severe drought and fires in the region no doubt played a part, resulting in less nectar for the Monarchs as they migrated south. But estimates show that each year, millions of acres of land are being lost that would support Monarchs, either by farmers converting dormant land for crop use -- mainly to herbicide tolerant corn and soybeans -- or the overuse of herbicides and mowing. Milkweed is the key plant because it's the only plant where the female will lay her eggs."

The loss of such lands is a critical factor in the Monarchs' survival, Wilson explains.

"Chip Taylor, who is the director of Monarch Watch at the University of Kansas, estimates that 100 million acres of land have already been lost that previously supported Monarchs," Wilson notes.

Most of the Monarch reserves are in the Mexican state of Michoacan. It's an area where Monarchs spend the winter and mate before heading north, Wilson points out.

In the spring, the butterflies leave Mexico and across Texas, and Wilson has noticed both eggs and young Monarch caterpillars feeding on milkweed in the Monarch Waystation, a butterfly garden outside his office. The adults will fly various routes through Texas, with the fourth generation eventually arriving in Canada.

This year, according to the Texas Monarch Watch, Monarchs covered about 7.14 acres of forest in their Mexican breeding grounds compared to 9.9 acres last year, and it shows a continued long-term downward trend in Monarch population since official surveys began in 1994.

Wilson says there has to be a national effort to save Monarchs or their declining numbers will reach the critical stage.

"We need a national priority of planting milkweed to assure there will be Monarchs in the future," he says. "If we could get several states to collaborate, we might be able to promote a program where the north-south interstates were planted with milkweed, such as Lady Bird Johnson's program to plant native seeds along Texas highways 35-40 years ago. This would provide a 'feeding' corridor right up to Canada for the Monarchs."

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The above story is reprinted from materials provided by Texas A&M University, via Newswise.

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Disclaimer: Views expressed in this article do not necessarily reflect those of ScienceDaily or its staff.


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Thursday, March 22, 2012

Insider trading ban sent to White House

(AP) ? The Senate on Thursday sent President Barack Obama a scaled-down bill to explicitly ban members of Congress, the president and thousands of other federal workers from profiting from nonpublic information learned on the job.

Obama has said he would sign the bill.

In an unusual move, the legislation passed unanimously without a vote on the measure itself. Passage was automatically triggered by a procedural motion that was approved on a 96-3 vote. The lawmakers who voted no were Republican Sens. Tom Coburn of Oklahoma, Richard Burr of North Carolina and Charles Grassley of Iowa.

The bill would give the public a more frequent look at financial transactions of government officials. A driving force has been Congress' focus on its own dismal approval ratings, which ranged from 12 to 19 percent in polls over the last several weeks.

Public reports would be posted online either 30 days after the individual was notified of a transaction in his or her account or 45 days after the transaction. The House currently posts disclosure information on the Internet, but the Senate still requires people seeking the data to appear personally in a Senate office building.

Both the House and Senate overwhelmingly have approved separate versions of the STOCK Act, which stands for Stop Trading on Congressional Knowledge. A segment on CBS' "60 Minutes" in November said that members of Congress were profiting from inside information, giving new impetus to legislation that had languished for years.

Lacking enough votes, Majority Leader Harry Reid abandoned the Senate's own, stronger bill and decided to accept the House legislation, which stripped out two key provisions from the bill that originally passed the Senate.

One was designed to strengthen criminal laws in public corruption cases, including restoration of tools used by prosecutors that were limited by a Supreme Court ruling.

The second, which was more controversial, would have required registration and public reports ? similar to those filed by lobbyists ? by anyone selling inside information learned from members of Congress and their staffs.

Opponents of regulating so-called political intelligence operatives substituted a study to learn more about individuals and firms collecting and selling information.

Federal officials, including members of Congress, are not excluded from federal laws prohibiting insider trading. But there is little public information showing that members of Congress have been investigated.

Recently, it was learned the Office of Congressional Ethics was looking at the trading activities of Rep. Spencer Bachus, R-Ala. In the two months surrounding the 2008 financial collapse and subsequent $700 billion economic bailout passed by Congress, Bachus made more than three dozen trades. The OCE is an independent ethics office of the House, run by a board outside of Congress.

Bachus, now chairman of the House Financial Services Committee but then the panel's senior Republican under a Democratic chairman, participated in closed briefings on the crisis by Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke and then-Treasury Secretary Henry Paulson. He's denied using inside information, and subsequent records show he incurred a net loss of $19,490.

Bachus has denied any wrongdoing.

The bill has a number of additional provisions, including one major exemption. The frequent reporting will not include transactions in widely held investment funds that are publicly traded, have diversified assets and are not controlled by the covered government official.

The bill also adds stronger ethical and legal provisions.

It would deny federal retirement benefits to the president, vice president or an elected official of a state or local government convicted of certain felonies. It also would prohibit senior executives of mortgage giants Fannie Mae or Freddie Mac from receiving bonuses while the companies are under government control. And it would expand the definition of public corruption crimes and increase maximum penalties.

It also requires officials to disclose the mortgages on their primary residences, a provision that has been exempt from reporting requirements.

Associated Press


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AUSTIN, Texas (Reuters) - Texas should be playing a role in Republican politics this year as big as, well, Texas.

The fast-growing state - the most populous by far in the Republican column - has four new seats in the U.S. House of Representatives, a big U.S. Senate race and more than a 10th of the delegates who will choose the party's presidential nominee.

But a racially tinged dispute over redrawing its congressional districts has delayed the Texas primary by almost three months, complicated the U.S. Senate and House contests and altered the race for the White House.

A San Antonio court pushed Texas' primary back to May 29 from March 6 after complaints that a new electoral map drawn by Republicans violated the federal Voting Rights Act by diluting the voting power of blacks and Latinos.

Three of Texas' four new U.S. House seats were created in areas dominated by whites, even though Hispanics and blacks accounted for 90 percent of Texas' population growth since 2000.

The battle sets white Republicans, who have firmly established political control in Texas within the past decade, against rising and strongly Democratic Hispanic and black populations, whose leaders argue that they are being unfairly denied an equal voice in state politics.

The stakes are high both for 2012, when the White House and control of the U.S. Congress are up for grabs, and longer term, when a rapidly growing Hispanic population is expected eventually to disadvantage Republicans and benefit Democrats.

"Republicans can work that racial solidarity thing for a while, but in the end, they've got to do better than 35 percent of the Hispanic vote or their election prospects are not great," said Cal Jillson, a political science professor at Southern Methodist University in Dallas.

States with a history of minority voting rights violations must obtain pre-clearance from either the U.S. Department of Justice or the federal court in Washington, D.C., before they can use new maps. The new voter map in Florida, another fast-growing southern state, has also been subject to legal wrangling this year.


Non-Hispanic whites already account for a minority of Texas' residents, with 45 percent of the population. The state is 38 percent Latino and 12 percent black, numbers expected to continue to rise.

President Barack Obama lost Texas by 11-percentage points in 2008. He got only 26 percent of the white vote, but was backed by 63 percent of Hispanics and 98 percent of blacks, fueling talk that it will not be long before Republican red Texas turns purple, if not Democratic blue.

"We sort of feel like we have the wind at our backs," said Anthony Gutierrez, deputy executive director of the Texas Democratic Party.

Democrats have won Texas in only three of the last 15 presidential elections. The party has not won a statewide election since 1994, and Republicans cemented their control of the state with huge victories in the 2010 midterms.

But even Republicans acknowledge that changing demographics mean the party must appeal to Hispanics to hold onto power beyond the next few years. Latinos in Texas generally vote Democratic by a 2-to-1 margin, which won't be helped by a redistricting fight seen as a battle to maintain white control.

"It is obviously a high-risk strategy in a state that is increasingly Hispanic," said Michael Li, a Dallas-based election law lawyer who runs the blog "Texas Redistricting." Li is not involved in the redistricting fight.


The redistricting mess has already affected the 2012 presidential race, notably the hopes of Mitt Romney, who may have done well in the Texas primary if it had taken place on Super Tuesday - March 6 - as originally scheduled.

Texas would have been the biggest prize up for grabs on Super Tuesday, when 10 other states held primaries and caucuses.

Romney, with far more money and a bigger campaign organization than rivals Rick Santorum and Newt Gingrich, was best placed to compete in so many states at once. Texas alone has 20 media markets, meaning statewide advertising can cost millions.

Winning or putting in a good showing in Texas would have boosted Romney. The state's 155 delegates, awarded proportionally, are a huge chunk of the 1,144 needed to become the nominee.

A strong performance on Super Tuesday also would have given Romney a badly needed breakthrough in the heart of southern Republican conservatism, weakening Santorum and perhaps cutting short what has become a protracted nomination fight.

Instead, Romney has been a weak front-runner and Santorum, a former Pennsylvania senator best known for strong religious conservatism, has been winning over the party's right wing.

"It (a March 6 Texas primary) would have changed a lot of things. It would have changed the entire complexion of Super Tuesday," said Matt Mackowiak, an Austin-based Republican strategist, especially with Santorum and Gingrich both vying for the support of the most conservative Texans.

"I suspect if the field was split and if Santorum and Gingrich hadn't had $5 million or $3 million to spend, then Romney probably would have won Texas on March 6," he said.

With Texas now one of the last states to vote, the nominee could be chosen by May 29. Even if it isn't, Santorum is now considered more likely to take Texas, thanks to improving fund-raising and his solidified position as the conservative alternative to Romney.

"Romney starts with a significant disadvantage in terms of public opinion," said Jim Henson, director of the Texas Politics Project at the University of Texas at Austin, although he added that Romney's big campaign war chest means that he could spend heavily in Texas to target clusters of mainstream conservatives in major media markets.

A Wilson Perkins Allen Opinion Research poll last week showed Santorum eight percentage points ahead of Romney among likely Republican primary voters in Texas. Santorum was at 35 percent to 27 percent for Romney.

Gingrich was at 20 percent and Ron Paul, a Texas congressman lagging in most polls, was at 8 percent.

The redistricting mess is affecting races down the ticket as well, with many voters not sure where they are registered and many candidates unsure of where they should run or raise money while the court fight has continued.

"I can look around the state and see the confusion in the eyes of the average voter," said Chris Elam, communications director for the state Republican party. Some 100 Republicans alone have applied to run for the 36 House seats, he said.

The interim map is expected to stand, but there is a chance it could be changed again by the Washington court.

The May 29 date is after schools close for the summer, leading to worries that turnout will be low, which often leads to unpredictable results.

The race to replace retiring Republican Senator Kay Bailey Hutchison has been most affected by the upheaval. Lieutenant Governor David Dewhurst has been favored to replace Hutchison, because of his statewide name recognition and fundraising prowess.

But the long delay has given opponents, especially Tea Party favorite Ted Cruz, time to raise money and their profiles. Former Dallas Mayor Tom Leppert and Craig James, a one-time television sports analyst, are also in the race.

If no one wins a majority on May 29, state law mandates a runoff vote on July 31, the heart of the hot Texas summer when an even smaller turnout would be expected.

(Editing by Alistair Bell and Cynthia Osterman)


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Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Benefits of Starting a Franchise Business in India | Business Articles

Benefits of Starting a Franchise Business in India
Author: Clark
India is one the world?s largest and the fastest-growing emerging markets, and franchising has become a successful business model for many local companies. If we go by numbers, India is the fifth largest country in terms of consumer capacity and retail destination. It is the second fastest growing economy in the world after China. The consumer spending in the country has increased to 75 per cent in the last four years and according to business analysts it will quadruple in the next 20 years. However, franchising in India has not yet attained an industry status even though the industry size is USD 7 billion growing at a rate of 25-30 per cent annually with over 1800 franchise formats operating in the country employing over 1 million people in the sector.

Globalisation and market liberalisation has fuelled brand awareness among the Indian masses making the importation of foreign brands to Indian shores an attractive business opportunity for local businessmen. Foreign brands such as McDonald?s and Pizza Hut have studied India?s tastes and needs and customised their products and menus to suit local preferences.

Many foreign companies consider franchising to be a convenient method of entry into the geographically vast and culturally diverse Indian market, which offers a very favourable franchising environment.

Although in a nascent stage, franchising is gaining popularity in the retail segment in India, more particularly in the areas of food products and drinks, restaurant chains, consumer goods, and computer training centres. Franchising is one way in which a company can take advantage of India?s vast market with a degree of control that other traditional forms of distribution cannot match.

Even though, franchising is creating thousands of opportunities for business owners and jobs seekers, it is still in its early stage of development. Simply to expand a business through franchising is not enough; it also needs knowledge on how to run a franchise business model. In India, the knowledge on franchising is inadequate and there is also no training being imparted to leverage the present status of franchising. We should also remember that India is a multi-ethnic country; therefore, it becomes all the more important to understand the trends and market that governs each region.

What is franchising?

In a nutshell, franchising is a business system where under the franchisor grants a license to the franchisee to use the franchisor?s diverse intellectual property rights,
namely, know-how, designs, brands, trade marks, patents, and trade secrets along with the franchisor?s proven name, reputation and marketing techniques to market the franchisor?s products or services in return for a sum of money. The franchisor provides training and continuous assistance to the franchisee.

Difference between franchising/ distributorship/ agency

The terms franchise, distribution and agency are often loosely used. Distribution and agency are the more traditional forms of distributing goods or services.However, they do not allow the principal to exert any real control over the distributor or the agent. The key distinguishing feature of a franchise is the higher degree of control that a franchisor exercises over a franchisee. The franchisor has a say in all important issues such as branding, methodology and mergers.Although corporate entities such as subsidiaries or joint ventures allow as much if not more control than a franchise, they entail a much higher financial risk.

Franchising in various sectors in India

Food and beverages

Some of the well-known brands in this sector that have received an overwhelming response in India include Baskin Robbins, Subway, McDonald?s, TGI Friday?s, Taco Bell, Pizza Hut, Dominos Pizza, Ruby Tuesdays, Barista, Costa, Wetzel Pretzel, Papa John?s and KFC.A study has revealed that more than one third of new food outlets are operated through the franchise system. The rapid development of mall culture has also encouraged the growth of food and beverage franchises. Fine dining restaurants, quick service restaurants, cafes and juice bars are among the leading franchised food segments in India.

Beauty and health care Fitness clubs such as VLCC and Talwalkers have established chains while hair and beauty salons offering domestic branded products including Shanaz Hussein, Biotique and Habibs, and international brands, for example, L?Oreal and Tony & Guy, have marked their presence through the franchise model.

A rise in the standard of living in India has increased demand for quality health services and has resulted in health-care service providers, spas, beauty salons and clinics opening new businesses in the cities through franchises. Apollo Hospitals has set up large chain of state-of-the-art health-care clinics in India and abroad, offering comprehensive health-care services.


The increased acceptance of the importance of education by the Indian population and the proven success of education franchising in India has led to a boom in the amount of business owners wanting to expand their education brands using the franchise route. According to a recent survey, India is one of the largest markets for education in the world in terms of the number of students, offering vast franchising opportunities. Currently, out of the 1,200 franchises in the country, 32 per cent are in the education sector. Professional and vocational courses in the fields of aviation, hospitality, retail, financial services and insurance capture almost a third of the total share of education provided through franchises, followed by training in the IT sector. Franchising in the pre-school sector has grown particularly in the past decade.

Getting into franchise business is a wonderful opportunity for anyone. According to the experts, franchising business is the safest business as it involves minimum investment with more revenue. That?s why more and more people are now moving towards the available franchising opportunities. Buying a franchise of a well-known brand is an excellent option to start a new business from scratch or could offer a quicker way to take an existing business to the next level. This option offers several advantages ? not the least of which is an opportunity to latch on to a tried and tested model. A well established franchising brand also affords instant visibility, and with most rules being laid out already by the franchisor.

India now presents huge opportunity for franchising organizations. A number of international and corporate giants stationed abroad always look for the opportunities to launch their franchising business in India. India?s vast geographical expanse, multilingual culture, strong and powerful economy and also growing middle class all clubbed together provide excellent franchising and business opportunities in India.Low labor cost is another main factor that makes India a favorable destination for franchising. The cost of hiring an employee in India is much lower than the west, that?s why, so much work is outsourced to India and many companies are setting up their operations here. Hence, if you wish to achieve success and also the revenue then this is the time to hunt and cash on the franchising and business opportunities available in India.

On the whole, India is the chosen destination for franchising as it provides everything one needs to flourish. This is the reason why franchise business is booming in India. Expert market analysts also have predicted that the franchising opportunities in India will continue to grow very rapidly and there will be lots of benefits available to the people who are involved.



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Advertising | Getting the Best Results in a Direct Marketing ...

Who said sending letters to communicate important messages or send appreciation or affection to someone is already obsolete? Just look at your mailbox. Chances are you are still receiving letters, postcards, or bills through it. And you will likely create a response through the same manner?sending a printed form of communication. This only shows that print media is not dead. In fact, it still serves as an important part of the business industry. There simply are instances when sending letters or printed materials are necessary. So, before you completely disregard print marketing, you better look at your marketing needs first. This will help you determine if printed materials are no longer appropriate for your business.

Direct marketing is one form of marketing that still makes use of print media. This campaign makes use sales letters, postcards, flyers, and other printed materials that are send directly to customers and prospects. Even in today?s high tech business world, direct marketing remains an important part of a business? marketing campaign. This strategy will help you achieve the best results in your campaign for the following reasons:

- It is a targeted form of marketing, which means you will only send your materials to people who are likely to get interested in your offerings.

- It will allow you to market your business in a specific area.

- You can easily reach your target audience since you don?t have to worry of getting your mail restricted as spam mail.

A lot of have changed in marketing technology over the years, and direct marketing has effectively adapted to these changes. Today, you can easily design your material creatively. You can take advantage of custom printing or die cut printing to give your materials a unique look. These printing techniques have made direct marketing materials look more impressive and interesting than before. If you want to maximize the results of your direct marketing campaign, here?s what you need to do:

? Make your materials captivating. To do this, create a bold headline and attractive design that will attract people?s attention. Also, use the appropriate colors that will help deliver your message clearly and attractively.

? Make your message short, clear, and simple. Don?t confuse your readers otherwise they won?t bother reading the rest of your message. Write in simple words and short sentences to make it easy for them to understand your message. If you have a lot of information to convey, consider directing them to your website or tell them to contact you.

? Know who your target audience is. This will help you create a message and design that will appeal to them. Get to know your customers first to get an idea on how to communicate to them effectively. If you do this well, you will easily know how best to communicate with them, whether it is through a conversational or professional tone.

? A strong call to action is necessary. Encourage your target customers to act at once. You can do this through discounts, incentives, or freebies. You can tell them to check out your website to get hold of the various offers you provide.

A competent and professional custom printer can help you create high quality direct marketing materials appropriate for your business. With their help, you are sure to get the most out of your marketing campaign.

About Author Vicky Russell :

Vicky Russell spent 5 years guiding businesses to get new customers and increase sales.? To experience fast, hassle free and high quality? custom printing, visit Printplace .com, the number one most trusted custom printer online.

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Article Added on Tuesday, March 20, 2012

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Tuesday, March 20, 2012

The Keys to a Good Health and Fitness Program That Works For ...

By Karissa C. DupreeThe health and fitness business is booming now more than ever. More and more people are getting conscious about their health. Proof of Coach Legacy Gigi Signature Leather Tote 11144 Black this is the ever increasing demand for healthy food, supplements to complete our nutrition and the proliferation of health and fitness centers almost everywhere. You could even hire our own personal trainer or nutritionist to ensure that you have the best help possible. This is good news for all. The health and fitness revolution is spreading everywhere changing lives and making us live more productively.The benefits of a good health and fitness program are amazing but we know it doesn?t come easy. There is no one pill or shortcut that we take to achieve good health. We Coach ARBZ Madison Leather Sophia Satchel 15960 Bronze all should work hard for it. Working hard means commitment. That is the first key. Find a good health and fitness program that suits your needs, lifestyle and schedule and stick to it. It may be hard at first, but if you enjoy what you do and you?re serious about your goals then you should commit. When you begin to see the results, you will be more inspired to push forward to ultimately reach your target health. It would be helpful to have a workout buddy, someone who shares the same goals as you. This will make your workout more fun and interesting.A good health and fitness program of course starts with proper physical exercise. Physical exercise is a vital key to a successful health and fitness program. There are a lot of physical exercises designed to meet the needs of every individual. Some prefer the basics like walking, jogging or running. These could be very enjoyable if done on a Coach bag conducive environment like the park or by the beach. You not only get a good physical exercise but your mind is relaxed and your body produces endorphins the ?feel good hormones? that keeps you in a happy state. This could only result to positivity and general well being. Toning and strengthening your muscles should also be your goal in physical exercise. This could be done thru weight lifting, bending, stretching and push ups.Another important part of a good health and fitness program is a way to fight stress. The most common would be is to get a good massage. A massager lounger or robotic chair is a good alternative to coach outlet going to the spa. Getting one means you could have your massage right at the comfort of your home at the time most convenient to you. It provides the needed stress relief from a hard day at work. It helps relieve muscle tension and improve circulation to give you a good nights sleep in order to recharge for another day. To give you the best quality, get yourself an Elite massage chair. These top of the line quality gives the best results.Having the right state of mind is also vital in your health and fitness program. Reading books on self motivation and improvement helps. It will give the right positive attitude to persevere in Coach Signature Gallery Tote Bag 10384 Black life. Of course, proper nutrition should complement your program. Eating the right kind of foods with the right supplements guarantees a healthy body.Karissa Claire Dupree is a design specialist and enjoys writing about any type of home d?cor such as massager lounger and Elite massage chair as well as other products.Source:isnare


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Seedrs Wins London Web Summit, As Europeans Rock Their Ecosystem

87025v5-max-250x250London Web Summit crowned Seedrs the winner of its startup competition against a crowded field of 19 other competitors today. Managing to gain Financial Services Authority approval for its crowd funding model (in the UK) was deemed an incredibly hard thing to do by the judges, who said they had high hopes its model could kick start a revolution in startup funding. Runner-up position went to BusyFlow, a dashboard for multiple web services. You can check out a run-down of all the other startups here. Deezer also broke the news on stage that it's launching an offline browser, and Jolicloud launched it's new Jolicloud Me service.


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Monday, March 19, 2012

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Sunday, March 18, 2012

Your Stop Loss Is very important While Day trading investing Futures ...

Stop loss orders are great insurance coverage that cost you nothing and will save a lot. They are utilized to sell or buy at a specific price tag and reduce danger you take if you purchase and sell a new futures agreement. Stop loss orders can automatically execute once the price tag specific will be reach, and will consider the emotion from a new purchase and sell decision simply by setting a new cap for the quantity you might be ready to drop in the business which has long gone against an individual. Stop loss orders will not promise e cigarette against deficits however they considerably reduce threat simply by restricting probable deficits.

With my system the only quit I personally use is what My spouse and i call an unexpected emergency quit. My stop-loss will be automatically created after i make my initial business with a pair of items. It is only with regard to problems, like reports My spouse and i had not been planning on, or even whatever is likely to make industry gyrate considerably and I never ever get into a new business without one. However I never ever anticipate to employ this stop-loss in order to quit my business. I basically will not likely let the industry move against my business entry greater than a break or even a pair of. Basically see that My spouse and i left your business too early I recently reenter your business but if the business continues to move against me We have saved the losing of a couple of items for every. agreement. Usually Let me just quit and reenter a new business once only get entered a new business in order to early. Therefore My spouse and i only drop a tiny commission for every agreement rather than fifty bucks for every point- for every agreement, any time exchanging your e-mini, and using just what a lot of think about
a standard loss.

Investing your futures areas is a tough nevertheless profitable chance for knowledgeable and seasoned traders. Yet it?s difficult, with out a wonderful trading system, and in many cases traders using many years of experience even now get deficits. Finding an excellent trading system and exchanging throughout modest batches with an urgent situation stop-loss available will permit people relatively recent in order to futures exchanging to achieve success. Once you?ve figured out the skills you have to trade with consistent income and also an issue nevertheless until finally that time it really is completely vital you do not consider pointless deficits. Should you be new to exchanging futures you should never business til you have a new coach having a trading system which gives an individual consistent income.

A great way to shield income there are proven a great quit technique is your looking quit. The looking stop-loss is an buy that is certainly entered as soon as you get into your own business. Your quit price tag moves at a specific distance guiding industry price tag. Trailing stops are raised each time a price tag rises, in the prolonged business, and can continue being fixed when it comes. Walking will only occur manoff once the market price moves for your business that an order will be connected. The actual looking quit buy resembles your stop-loss buy, however you utilize it to safeguard money, as opposed to drive back deficits. Trailing stops are built to now you should profit levels and they virtually path coupled your own escalating profit and alter your own stop-loss levels consequently. Frequently traders will find tailing stops confusing simply because they alter all of them whilst in an open place. This is not a smart exercise, and really should be ignored. It?s an indicator that you?re not sure of your own business of course, if an example may be unsure of the business it might be smart to quit immediately. Walking stops are ideal simply because they enable more profit potential to enter due to impetus, even though restricting threat. Trailing stops are generally an important element of a new trader?s threat operations unless they?ve got a great quit strategy of their system which may assist all of them far better.

Industry buy will be the most basic and fastest supply of your own buy stuffed to enter a new business or utilize as a stop-loss. A industry buy is a business performed in the market price tag and they?re frequently used to quit trades to ensure an order has the most effective chance of execution. A industry buy in order to quit is just an investment used to quit your business immediately. Be conscious of in the fast-changing industry at times you will find there?s variation between the price tag once the industry buy is given and also the genuine price tag when it is stuffed. On March 17, 2012 the fish smells fishy.

Stop loss orders are utilized to quit trades, and so are always used to restriction the amount of loss, but some day time traders make use of them for their only quit, even though additional traders make use of them as a back up quit only. If a single makes use of all of them for their quit they?ll risk more than is necessary and can desire to discover a far better system in order to business. Stop loss orders enable you to define your own risks before you open a situation plus my personal that threat must be nominal. Stop loss orders chiropractic marketing are among the easiest ways to improve the chances of you survival any time exchanging products and futures and they?re a strong risk-management instrument.


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Networked Politics ? Blog Archive ? Investment Real Estate Loans

Many people hear and read concerning how to invest real estate but do not really know what real estate investing really entails. They already know it has something related to making money buying and selling houses so it, in simplified form, actually is. To be a success like a real estate investor you will need to become familiar with a much more than just understanding how to buy and sell houses. Study real estate investment thoroughly before starting to take a position.

The very first thing you will do being an investor is to buy a property. This property might be many things: a home, a mobile home, land, apartments, offices, etc. Before you purchase your property you need to know what youre likely to do with it. Have a plan in position with the exact steps you will take to make your profit from this purchase.

Among the simplest ways to get going being an investor is to buy a single family house at a below selling price, enhance the house to boost its value, then resell for any profit. This really is now commonly known as flipping a property. Obviously, there are a lot of other factors involved such as financing, choosing the best property, etc.

One other way for novices to get going is by purchasing real estate to be used as rental property. You wont obtain a large amount in advance however, you will generate a monthly income. You can purchase one property at any given time and slowly develop your real estate portfolio with your equities building on each property.

Buying foreclosed and pre-foreclosed rentals are another way to make money from property. These properties are usually below market price but most of these need a lot of repairs. Buying foreclosure properties usually involves bidding in it in an auction, but sometimes they may be bought through a realtor or straight from the lending company.

Buying distressed properties can also be a good way to get a property cheaper. These are usually pre-foreclosures. Distressed properties will often have some negative impact on their value because of appearance, condition, or the financial situation from the owner. You will probably be working with a bank store the mortgage on these properties.

There are many ways to invest property and these were just a couple. When you start investing youll start to see other opportunities for purchasing property for example short sales, using hard money for investing and several other investment strategies. Some require very little down, like wholesaling or bird dogging. Start researching, studying, and researching how you can invest real estate and perhaps soon youll be building your property portfolio.

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Saturday, March 17, 2012

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Friday, March 16, 2012

IFBB Pro Physique Competitor Alex Carneiro Interview ...

Why did you decide to begin training and exercising?

I?m happy this is a ?why? and not a ?when? question. I think it doesn?t matter when I started as to ?why? I started. My initial reasons were nothing compared to the ones I have today. Originally I started with the intention of simply looking good and wanting to attract the opposite sex. I think most guys start for that reason; I haven?t yet met someone who straight told me they wanted to look like the next comic book hero because they wanted to step on stage. However, like anything in life, goals and objectives can change and the goal of learning was the next step as to why I wanted to pursue training and exercise. It was during my junior year in high school that I wanted to know as much as possible about the human body that I decided I wanted to pursue a degree in something related to that subject. I didn?t know exactly what I wanted, but I knew that I did not want to end up being a P.E. teacher (no offence but I think with a degree in Human Physiology one can do more).

As I kept progressing in my education in what I later found was called Kinesiology, I learned that nutrition was something extremely crucial that needed to go hand in hand with training if I wanted to keep seeing changes in my body. I think once again my objectives changed and the reason as to why I wanted to train was sparked. As years went by and fitness magazines featured me, companies decided to invest in me and my fan base grew. I decided that I wanted to train and exercise not to simply improve my physique as a competitor and fitness model, but to promote health and fitness itself. I want to promote the idea that a healthy mind is a healthy body and that training and exercising is the magic pill that will help everyone with any health problems they might have. It?s interesting to notice that over the years so many different studies pop every year regarding new supplements, nutritional plans, exercises etc; on one day they will say some are bad and then on others they say its good, but one thing NO study has ever published are the negative effects of healthy training. Why? Because we know that there is nothing better than exercising our body and mind.
Alex Carneiro
How does it feel to be a sponsored IFBB Pro Physique Athlete?

First I will answer your question and then I will add to it. Feels pretty darn good, why? Because my sponsors; particularly Optimum Nutrition / American Bodybuilding help me with making my goals a lot more achievable. Not only do they have amazing products to help my body grow and recover but they also go above and beyond to make sure that as an athlete, I have all the tools to keep improving myself. However, people think I had all these sponsors, including ON after I became an IFBB Pro. I actually had all of them prior to turning into an IFBB Pro. My sponsors take care of me the same way I take care of them and I want to make sure it?s a symbiotic relationship; not me expecting everything and returning nothing in return. I think many athletes think that they can sit back and just hope a sponsor will reach their arms out to them and then they don?t have to reach back. It doesn?t work that way. For that reason, I want to thank Optimum Nutrition, American Bodybuilding, Monsta Clothing and Pro Tan USA for their help.
What are your work out related goals for the future?

Oh boy! I have so many. Competing and wanting to be the # 1 Physique Pro and stepping on that possible Mr. Olympia stage are just one of them. Currently I own my own membership page called AC FIT members. Users are learning SO many daily and I keep making sure the page is full of content for everyone to keep learning, I want to keep expanding my business there and on my personal training online services. Additionally I want to connect with more companies and be able to share my knowledge on nutrition, training, supplements and so much more. I want to be the mind and body, not just the body. I think it?s important that people know that there are fitness models out there that actually know what they are doing; you would be surprised how many so called fitness models and even pro athletes don?t know squat about nutrition, training, supplementation and life itself. Expansion of AC FIT ( my company) is definitely on the works.
What is in your experience the most effective routine?

The one that works for YOU. Not for the athlete you might be reading from a magazine or online article. I think everyone needs to first analyze, sit down and know exactly what kind of body they want and the functionality of that body. After they do that they now should learn the best ways of achieving that body via a specific training routine. Most importantly change it up and try new and different things to observe how the body reacts. The problem is people want the ?perfect? routine and that simply does not exist. Every single pro athlete out there has probably spent years figuring out what works best for their bodies and probably might still be finding the most efficient way for their goals. The perfect routine is the one that has had to pass through trial and error and is the most efficient for the individual?s body. Trial and error are going to be key in order to achieve this. Another problem is people want things fast, so if a routine doesn?t work the first week they change it; they don?t allow enough time for the body to respond and then simply quit.
What is your current routine (list your current split like ie. Monday: 3?10 Bench Press, 3?10 Chest Fly?s etc.)?

My current routine has actually only been seen by my AC FIT members; I just make sure readers understand the previous paragraph and what I wrote on it. This has worked well for my body.

Muscle Body Split

Monday: Chest + Weighted Abs routine

Tuesday: Back + Body weight Abs routine

Wednesday: Delts, Traps + bodyweight abs routine

Thursday: Quads, Hams, Calves

Friday: Biceps, Triceps, Forearms + Weighted Abs routine

Saturday: What I did on Monday + Calves + bodyweight abs routine

Sunday: Rest (but I do something different like crossfit or kickboxing, no weights)

The following week on Monday I would do then back + bodyweight abs routine. My split isn?t seen as 6 days, but as a rotation, this way I don?t get bored that Monday is always chest day. It?s a rotation.

Chest Routine
Incline Dumbbell Presses

4 Sets x 6-12 Reps
Incline Flies

2 Sets x 15 Reps
Flat Bench Dumbell Press

4 Sets x 6-12 Reps
Dips/Weighted Dips

4 Sets x 12 Reps
Cable Flies (From 3 different angled positions; high pulley, leveled to my chest pulley and low pulley)

2 Sets Per Angle, 6 Total Sets x 15-20 Reps

Back Routine
Weighted (25lbs) Pulls Ups

3 Sets x 10 Reps
Bent Over Barbell Rows

4 Sets x 10 Reps
Wide Grip Pulldowns

4 Sets x 10-12 Reps
Close Grip V-Bar Cable Rows

4 Sets x 6-12 Reps
Underhand Close Grip Pulldowns

3 Sets x 12 Reps
Low Back Extensions

5 Sets x 15 Reps

Delts + Traps Routine
Smith Machine Behind the Head Military Press

4 Sets x 8-12 Reps
Dumbbell Shoulder Military Presses

4 Sets x 10 Reps
Lateral Raises

4 Sets x 10 Reps
Reverse Peck Deck Flies

4 Sets x 12 Reps
Front Raises (Bar and Dumbbells)

4 Sets x 10-12 Reps
Smith Machine Shrugs

5 Sets x 10-12 Reps

Legs + Calves Routine
Light Squats (200lbs)

4 Sets x 10-12 Reps
Stiff Legged Deadlifts

4 Sets x 10 Reps
Walking Lunges (Dumbbells)

4 Sets x 12 Reps
Single Leg Press

3 Sets x 15-20 Reps
Leg Extensions

5 Sets x 15-20 Reps
Lying Over Hamstring Curls

5 Sets x 20 Reps
Standing Calf Raises

7 Sets x 21 Reps (Switching toe position every 7th rep)
Seated Calf Raises

7 Sets x 15-20 Reps
Bodyweight Calf Raises

3 Sets (Till Failure)

Biceps, Triceps + Forearms Routine
Triceps SkullCrushers

4 Sets x 12 Reps
Standing Barbell Curls (switching hand positioning)

4 Sets x 12 Reps
Triceps Drips

4 Sets x 12 Reps
Hammer Curls

4 Sets x 10-12 Reps
Close Grip Bench Presses

3 Sets x 12 Reps
Incline Seated Bench Curls

4 Sets x 10 Reps
Triceps Rope Extensions

4 Sets x 12-15 Reps
Preacher Curls

3 Sets x 15-20 Reps
Triceps KickBacks

4 Sets/20 Reps
Overhand Forearms Curls

5 Sets x 15-20 Reps
Underhand Forearms Curls

5 Sets x 15-20 Reps

Weighted Abs Routine
Reverse Crunches on Decline Bench (15 lb Dumbbell between my feet)

4 Sets x 12 Reps
Abdominal Crunch Machine

4 Sets x 10-12 Reps
Plank; Hold it for as long as possible, keeping the core tight

Bodyweight Abs Routine
Roman Chair Leg Raises

4 Sets x 30 Reps
Decline Bench Crunches

4 Sets x 30 Reps
Decline Bench Russian Twists: Holding a 10lbs medicine ball

15 Twists/Side

(I do all of the above in circuit form, no breaks between sets, 3 rounds total)

What is your diet and supplementation like (provide a sample meal plan for one day ie. breakfast, lunch, dinner)?

I?m a trainer and sports nutritionist so my diet is made exactly for my body type, weight, height, activity level and many other small factors. I carb cycle all year to be able to maintain a low bodyfat and if I need I can also add lean mass without too much fat with this technique. I cycle usually 2-3 Low Carb Days and then give myself 1 High Carb Loading. Sometimes I will have 2 High Carb Days. I pretty much ?eat for what I train? Meaning if I have a harder and more active day ahead of me I will eat more that day. My low days constitute of 150g of carbs and my high 300g. The carbs are timed for the most essential needs of my body during that day; meaning I consume most of my carbs with breakfast, pre and post training. Post training carbs are essential in my opinion and I have 50% of my carbs for that day post training.

My supplementation is extremely important for me as I understand that with my lifestyle sometimes it?s hard to obtain all the vitamins and minerals from food itself. I?m also a big firm believer on supplementing with supplements like herbs and anti-oxidants. Supplements for me mean two major things: Enhanced performance and health. People don?t realized that supplements can play a key role in enhancing the human body?s capacity for growth and regeneration if taken correctly and at the right times. For some it might seem a bit overwhelming what I will list below but again, my body, my needs, my supplements.

With Every Solid Meal:

Digestive Enzymes


Fish Oil

1 Optimen Multimineral/Vitamin Tab

1,000mg Calcium w/ Vitamin D and Magnesium

Vitamin B & C Complex



Liver Enzymes

4 Scoops Amino Energy

3 Nitric Boost Tabs (Argenine)


5g Glutamine

5 Creatine Mono

3g Beta-Alanine


2,000mg L-Carnitine
Post Training:

50g Hydrowhey

70g Glycomaize


5 Glutamine

3g Nitric Boost (Argenine)

5g Creatine Mono

? Tbs Cinnamon

625mg Tribulus T.

3g Beta-Alanine



3mg Melatonin

50g Casein


5 Glutamine

1,000 Vit C

3g Argenine
What is your top tip for general fitness?

Educate yourself. Period. Bro-Science doesn?t work. Reading an article here and there won?t work. You need to know exactly how to enhance every aspect of your body?s abilities. Nutrition is always the key in my opinion and learning all there is about it for the specific goals you have is essential for success. The four most important factors for success will always be: nutrition, training, resting, supplementation. If you understand how to connect all four and understand how to make each of those work at their best, then you?ve got a bright future.

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Thursday, March 15, 2012

Officials Named Despite White House Rules (Taegan Goddard's Political Wire)

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Syria forces pound Daraa as opposition in disarray

BEIRUT (AP) ? Syrian forces fired tanks and machine-guns Wednesday in an attack on the southern city where the anti-government uprising began, propelled by recent military victories over rebels as the opposition fell into disarray.

At least two prominent Syrian dissidents said they have quit the main opposition group, the Syrian National Council, calling it an "autocratic" organization.

The opposition has been hobbled by disorganization and infighting since the popular revolt against President Bashar Assad began a year ago. Its international backers have repeatedly appealed for the movement to pull together and work as one unit.

Even before the high-level resignations, the opposition was already reeling from significant losses over the past few weeks when rebel fighters were largely driven out of two key strongholds ? the city of Idlib near the northern border with Turkey and the Baba Amr district in the central city of Homs.

After retaking Idlib earlier this week, government forces launched new attacks Wednesday on Daraa, the birthplace of the uprising.

A Jordan-based spokesman for the rebel Free Syrian Army, Muneef al-Zaeem, said there were tanks in the area and reports of dead and wounded, but that numbers could not be confirmed.

"We are not able to leave our houses. People are panicking because of the shooting," Daraa resident Abu Ahmed told The Associated Press by phone. "We are fearful because the shells can explode and kill everybody present in our homes."

The series of government assaults on opposition strongholds has only intensified international pressure on Assad. The U.S. had said it was considering military options to aid the Syrian rebels. But President Barack Obama said Wednesday that military intervention in the conflict would be premature, could lead to civil war and more deaths.

French President Nicolas Sarkozy likened Assad to a "murderer."

However Russia, which has remained a steadfast ally to Assad, said it would continue arming his regime ? reflecting the ongoing divisions in the international community over how to bring the violence in Syria to an end.

Although most countries are unwilling to get involved in the conflict, for fear of a protracted battle and a possible civil war, there have been widespread calls for the opposition to unite and speak with one voice against Assad.

Indeed, Assad's greatest advantage has been the weakness and lack of unity among the disparate forces opposing him. The groups have various ideologies and motivations, from secular forces to religious conservatives to outright radicals.

On Wednesday, the opposition's disarray was on display.

Kamal al-Labwani, one of the dissidents who announced his resignation from the Syrian National Council, said the 270-member organization was run autocratically. He even compared it to Assad's ruling Baath party.

He blasted council chief Burhan Ghalioun and others in the SNC.

"They are trying to build an autocratic rule inside the council," said al-Labwani, who worked for years against the Assad family regime before being jailed in 2005. He joined the council soon after being released in November.

"There is no group work. Everyone is working by himself and the whole council has not met once," confirming outside observations about the lack of unity in the movement.

He said that another council member, Catherine al-Talli, also quit and said he expected many more to follow suit soon.

Neither Ghalioun or al-Talli could be reached for comment. Council spokeswoman Bassma Kodmani did not respond to an email requesting comment.

Another dissident, 80 year-old lawyer Haitham al-Maleh, also said he quit over lack of cooperation in the council.

"There is no transparency and there is no respect for other opinions," he said. "They aren't given the work the attention that it needs to fulfill the ambitions of the Syrian people."

Both men said they would remain involved in the quest to topple Assad. Al-Labwani called for an international conference to be held in Turkey to make the council more democratic while al-Maleh said he was working to build support for armed rebels of the Free Syrian Army.

The U.S. and many European and Arab countries have said Assad must go but remain opposed to military intervention. Joint U.N.-Arab League envoy Kofi Annan ended his first visit to Syria Sunday without obtaining a cease-fire to make way for political dialogue.

Also Wednesday, Amnesty International said Syrian security forces routinely torture people detained during the uprising. The London-based group said detainees are beaten with sticks, cords and rifle butts. Others are sexually assaulted or killed.

The torture appears to be part of a strategy to punish and intimidate dissidents, the group said in its report.

"Torture and other ill-treatment in Syria form part of a widespread and systematic attack against the civilian population, carried out in an organized manner and as part of state policy and therefore amount to crimes against humanity," according to the report.

Amnesty's report was based on interviews in mid-February with dozens of Syrians who had fled to neighboring Jordan. Twenty-five said they had been tortured or ill-treated.

The group said it has documented 276 cases of death in detention since the uprising's start. But given the large number of people who have been detained, it says the number of those killed is likely much higher.

The report also accuses armed opposition groups of kidnapping and killing people believed to be associated with the regime. Syrian officials were not immediately available for comment.


Associated Press writers Elizabeth A. Kennedy in Beirut, Vladimir Isachenkov in Moscow and Dale Gavlak in Amman, Jordan, contributed reporting.


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Tuesday, March 13, 2012

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This year, the Miller on Sports team chose to follow the younger set of runners. ?In the 2012 Junior River Run, there were two major youth races: ?boys and girls nine years old and under, and boys and girls ten through thirteen years old. ?Starting at 11:00 a.m., those races began on Duval Street in front of the Jacksonville Fairgrounds.

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As an alternative to the universal high street baby presents, which may perhaps often be replicated or look ?department store? you could select a only one of its kind and more unconventional gift, which illustrates you have place your time and thought into choosing a special gift for the baby baby. These special and thoughtful presents are often kept as souvenirs and can be place in keepsake boxes and kept as keepsakes of baby?s earlier years. Individual and only one of its kind gifts are our ethos, whilst adhering to strict ethics and enviromentally friendly manufacturing guidelines. Some thoughts and suggestions for baby baby boy gifts?are listed below.

1) A baby record book is the ideally suited gift to document and cherish all those first memories and special occasions such as baby?s and family tree?s details, Christenings or baby showers and birthday celebrations. Also the perfect place to document special occasions like taking first steps and saying first words. Individual, only one of its kind and handmade, whilst made ethically in helping less fortunate communities to support their families, they are made with natural linen cover and sealed with string and decorated with a baby tag. Perfect as a baby baby gift for your own baby, or a special gift for a baby baby of relatives or close friends. East of India array also includes first keepsake boxes, birth certificate holders and photograph albums all made with their rigid adherence to ethical guidelines.

2) The Fairtrade Cotton Crochet Pixie Rattle Doll by Pebble obtainable in six different designs with a rattle inside to promote hand and eye co-ordination and stimulate examination. Without a face these dolls are identified to stimulate imagination and role play. Pebble promotes dependable and maintainable rural jobs in a reputable and safe working environment for over 5,000 women in 52 different regions of Bangladesh. More than simply a only one of its kind gift, these toys are both educative and ethically made. Other fairtrade gifts by Pebble include, knitted vegetables, crochet pink flower rattles, knitted floppy bears, knitted small wonky bird rattles and pastel knitted cupcake set. ?

3) The Maxine Pharoah personalised cushion, in its handmade classic style, incorporates a high quality printed image from her original artwork. Made with linens, cotton, ribbon and buttons, stitched by hand and complete with button flap detail on the reverse, they are personalised and handmade to order. This only one of its kind and individual baby gift is perfect for a New baby gift, Christening or Naming Day gift, special birthday present or to compliment baby?s nursery. Lovingly made and individually chosen, they are guaranteed to become a favourite treasure.

4) The?Trousselier?Giraffe rattle by Trousselier Paris is made from the highest quality soft fabrics and ideally suited for new baby gifts. His soft mane and long neck make him simple to clasp by tiny hands. Perfectly presented in his own pale blue Trousselier box, he is sure to be a much-loved and cherished gift. The Trousselier array includes Bunny Angel, Squeaky lamb, Squeaky Kangaroo and bab, Dotty Rabbit Set and Long eared bunny. As an alternative to soft toys, Trousselier additionally have a gorgeous array of Magic Lanterns which project eye catching tender images onto the lamp and also Stilted Music Boxes, a modern design of a classical toy, with Mozart and Skaters Waltz tune, for 3 years plus.?

5) For an unconventional and eye catching baby gift with soft textures, bright colours and ethically made taking environmental considerations to mind, the?Lilliputiens?array of toys consist of everything from Noah?s ark, Farmhouse, Reproduce Ship and Wigwam and small Indians set to dolls and animal squeakers. They are all refreshingly distinctive, something different. They increase imagination through play and look gorgeous. The Lilliputien Xmas Nativity Set would make an brilliant gift for Baby?s first Christmas.

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