Friday, March 16, 2012

IFBB Pro Physique Competitor Alex Carneiro Interview ...

Why did you decide to begin training and exercising?

I?m happy this is a ?why? and not a ?when? question. I think it doesn?t matter when I started as to ?why? I started. My initial reasons were nothing compared to the ones I have today. Originally I started with the intention of simply looking good and wanting to attract the opposite sex. I think most guys start for that reason; I haven?t yet met someone who straight told me they wanted to look like the next comic book hero because they wanted to step on stage. However, like anything in life, goals and objectives can change and the goal of learning was the next step as to why I wanted to pursue training and exercise. It was during my junior year in high school that I wanted to know as much as possible about the human body that I decided I wanted to pursue a degree in something related to that subject. I didn?t know exactly what I wanted, but I knew that I did not want to end up being a P.E. teacher (no offence but I think with a degree in Human Physiology one can do more).

As I kept progressing in my education in what I later found was called Kinesiology, I learned that nutrition was something extremely crucial that needed to go hand in hand with training if I wanted to keep seeing changes in my body. I think once again my objectives changed and the reason as to why I wanted to train was sparked. As years went by and fitness magazines featured me, companies decided to invest in me and my fan base grew. I decided that I wanted to train and exercise not to simply improve my physique as a competitor and fitness model, but to promote health and fitness itself. I want to promote the idea that a healthy mind is a healthy body and that training and exercising is the magic pill that will help everyone with any health problems they might have. It?s interesting to notice that over the years so many different studies pop every year regarding new supplements, nutritional plans, exercises etc; on one day they will say some are bad and then on others they say its good, but one thing NO study has ever published are the negative effects of healthy training. Why? Because we know that there is nothing better than exercising our body and mind.
Alex Carneiro
How does it feel to be a sponsored IFBB Pro Physique Athlete?

First I will answer your question and then I will add to it. Feels pretty darn good, why? Because my sponsors; particularly Optimum Nutrition / American Bodybuilding help me with making my goals a lot more achievable. Not only do they have amazing products to help my body grow and recover but they also go above and beyond to make sure that as an athlete, I have all the tools to keep improving myself. However, people think I had all these sponsors, including ON after I became an IFBB Pro. I actually had all of them prior to turning into an IFBB Pro. My sponsors take care of me the same way I take care of them and I want to make sure it?s a symbiotic relationship; not me expecting everything and returning nothing in return. I think many athletes think that they can sit back and just hope a sponsor will reach their arms out to them and then they don?t have to reach back. It doesn?t work that way. For that reason, I want to thank Optimum Nutrition, American Bodybuilding, Monsta Clothing and Pro Tan USA for their help.
What are your work out related goals for the future?

Oh boy! I have so many. Competing and wanting to be the # 1 Physique Pro and stepping on that possible Mr. Olympia stage are just one of them. Currently I own my own membership page called AC FIT members. Users are learning SO many daily and I keep making sure the page is full of content for everyone to keep learning, I want to keep expanding my business there and on my personal training online services. Additionally I want to connect with more companies and be able to share my knowledge on nutrition, training, supplements and so much more. I want to be the mind and body, not just the body. I think it?s important that people know that there are fitness models out there that actually know what they are doing; you would be surprised how many so called fitness models and even pro athletes don?t know squat about nutrition, training, supplementation and life itself. Expansion of AC FIT ( my company) is definitely on the works.
What is in your experience the most effective routine?

The one that works for YOU. Not for the athlete you might be reading from a magazine or online article. I think everyone needs to first analyze, sit down and know exactly what kind of body they want and the functionality of that body. After they do that they now should learn the best ways of achieving that body via a specific training routine. Most importantly change it up and try new and different things to observe how the body reacts. The problem is people want the ?perfect? routine and that simply does not exist. Every single pro athlete out there has probably spent years figuring out what works best for their bodies and probably might still be finding the most efficient way for their goals. The perfect routine is the one that has had to pass through trial and error and is the most efficient for the individual?s body. Trial and error are going to be key in order to achieve this. Another problem is people want things fast, so if a routine doesn?t work the first week they change it; they don?t allow enough time for the body to respond and then simply quit.
What is your current routine (list your current split like ie. Monday: 3?10 Bench Press, 3?10 Chest Fly?s etc.)?

My current routine has actually only been seen by my AC FIT members; I just make sure readers understand the previous paragraph and what I wrote on it. This has worked well for my body.

Muscle Body Split

Monday: Chest + Weighted Abs routine

Tuesday: Back + Body weight Abs routine

Wednesday: Delts, Traps + bodyweight abs routine

Thursday: Quads, Hams, Calves

Friday: Biceps, Triceps, Forearms + Weighted Abs routine

Saturday: What I did on Monday + Calves + bodyweight abs routine

Sunday: Rest (but I do something different like crossfit or kickboxing, no weights)

The following week on Monday I would do then back + bodyweight abs routine. My split isn?t seen as 6 days, but as a rotation, this way I don?t get bored that Monday is always chest day. It?s a rotation.

Chest Routine
Incline Dumbbell Presses

4 Sets x 6-12 Reps
Incline Flies

2 Sets x 15 Reps
Flat Bench Dumbell Press

4 Sets x 6-12 Reps
Dips/Weighted Dips

4 Sets x 12 Reps
Cable Flies (From 3 different angled positions; high pulley, leveled to my chest pulley and low pulley)

2 Sets Per Angle, 6 Total Sets x 15-20 Reps

Back Routine
Weighted (25lbs) Pulls Ups

3 Sets x 10 Reps
Bent Over Barbell Rows

4 Sets x 10 Reps
Wide Grip Pulldowns

4 Sets x 10-12 Reps
Close Grip V-Bar Cable Rows

4 Sets x 6-12 Reps
Underhand Close Grip Pulldowns

3 Sets x 12 Reps
Low Back Extensions

5 Sets x 15 Reps

Delts + Traps Routine
Smith Machine Behind the Head Military Press

4 Sets x 8-12 Reps
Dumbbell Shoulder Military Presses

4 Sets x 10 Reps
Lateral Raises

4 Sets x 10 Reps
Reverse Peck Deck Flies

4 Sets x 12 Reps
Front Raises (Bar and Dumbbells)

4 Sets x 10-12 Reps
Smith Machine Shrugs

5 Sets x 10-12 Reps

Legs + Calves Routine
Light Squats (200lbs)

4 Sets x 10-12 Reps
Stiff Legged Deadlifts

4 Sets x 10 Reps
Walking Lunges (Dumbbells)

4 Sets x 12 Reps
Single Leg Press

3 Sets x 15-20 Reps
Leg Extensions

5 Sets x 15-20 Reps
Lying Over Hamstring Curls

5 Sets x 20 Reps
Standing Calf Raises

7 Sets x 21 Reps (Switching toe position every 7th rep)
Seated Calf Raises

7 Sets x 15-20 Reps
Bodyweight Calf Raises

3 Sets (Till Failure)

Biceps, Triceps + Forearms Routine
Triceps SkullCrushers

4 Sets x 12 Reps
Standing Barbell Curls (switching hand positioning)

4 Sets x 12 Reps
Triceps Drips

4 Sets x 12 Reps
Hammer Curls

4 Sets x 10-12 Reps
Close Grip Bench Presses

3 Sets x 12 Reps
Incline Seated Bench Curls

4 Sets x 10 Reps
Triceps Rope Extensions

4 Sets x 12-15 Reps
Preacher Curls

3 Sets x 15-20 Reps
Triceps KickBacks

4 Sets/20 Reps
Overhand Forearms Curls

5 Sets x 15-20 Reps
Underhand Forearms Curls

5 Sets x 15-20 Reps

Weighted Abs Routine
Reverse Crunches on Decline Bench (15 lb Dumbbell between my feet)

4 Sets x 12 Reps
Abdominal Crunch Machine

4 Sets x 10-12 Reps
Plank; Hold it for as long as possible, keeping the core tight

Bodyweight Abs Routine
Roman Chair Leg Raises

4 Sets x 30 Reps
Decline Bench Crunches

4 Sets x 30 Reps
Decline Bench Russian Twists: Holding a 10lbs medicine ball

15 Twists/Side

(I do all of the above in circuit form, no breaks between sets, 3 rounds total)

What is your diet and supplementation like (provide a sample meal plan for one day ie. breakfast, lunch, dinner)?

I?m a trainer and sports nutritionist so my diet is made exactly for my body type, weight, height, activity level and many other small factors. I carb cycle all year to be able to maintain a low bodyfat and if I need I can also add lean mass without too much fat with this technique. I cycle usually 2-3 Low Carb Days and then give myself 1 High Carb Loading. Sometimes I will have 2 High Carb Days. I pretty much ?eat for what I train? Meaning if I have a harder and more active day ahead of me I will eat more that day. My low days constitute of 150g of carbs and my high 300g. The carbs are timed for the most essential needs of my body during that day; meaning I consume most of my carbs with breakfast, pre and post training. Post training carbs are essential in my opinion and I have 50% of my carbs for that day post training.

My supplementation is extremely important for me as I understand that with my lifestyle sometimes it?s hard to obtain all the vitamins and minerals from food itself. I?m also a big firm believer on supplementing with supplements like herbs and anti-oxidants. Supplements for me mean two major things: Enhanced performance and health. People don?t realized that supplements can play a key role in enhancing the human body?s capacity for growth and regeneration if taken correctly and at the right times. For some it might seem a bit overwhelming what I will list below but again, my body, my needs, my supplements.

With Every Solid Meal:

Digestive Enzymes


Fish Oil

1 Optimen Multimineral/Vitamin Tab

1,000mg Calcium w/ Vitamin D and Magnesium

Vitamin B & C Complex



Liver Enzymes

4 Scoops Amino Energy

3 Nitric Boost Tabs (Argenine)


5g Glutamine

5 Creatine Mono

3g Beta-Alanine


2,000mg L-Carnitine
Post Training:

50g Hydrowhey

70g Glycomaize


5 Glutamine

3g Nitric Boost (Argenine)

5g Creatine Mono

? Tbs Cinnamon

625mg Tribulus T.

3g Beta-Alanine



3mg Melatonin

50g Casein


5 Glutamine

1,000 Vit C

3g Argenine
What is your top tip for general fitness?

Educate yourself. Period. Bro-Science doesn?t work. Reading an article here and there won?t work. You need to know exactly how to enhance every aspect of your body?s abilities. Nutrition is always the key in my opinion and learning all there is about it for the specific goals you have is essential for success. The four most important factors for success will always be: nutrition, training, resting, supplementation. If you understand how to connect all four and understand how to make each of those work at their best, then you?ve got a bright future.

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